Publications by authors named "Arnaud Agranier"

The low-temperature alteration (< 150 °C) of ophiolites by infiltrated meteoric waters removes atmospheric CO through mineral carbonation and is assumed to generate H and possibly CH according to so-called serpentinization reactions. This overall alteration pattern is primarily constrained by the chemical composition of alkaline springs that are issued in several ophiolites worldwide. Here we report on the fingerprint, as veinlet mineralization, of the reactive percolation of such meteoric waters in the New Caledonia ophiolite (Massif du Sud).

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Basaltic samples were collected by the French submersible ``Nautile'' during the "Parisub" cruise (2010, R/V L'Atalante, Ifremer) along a 25 km long sampling profile crossing perpendicularly the current axis of the East Pacific Rise at 15.6°N, as well as the trace of its two former parallel axes located further east. The total length of the profile corresponds to an approximate time interval of ∼ 320,000 years.

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Combining U-Pb ages with Lu-Hf data in zircon provides insights into the magmatic history of rocky planets. The Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034/7533 meteorites are samples of the southern highlands of Mars containing zircon with ages as old as 4476.3 ± 0.

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Despite the abundant geomorphological evidence for surface liquid water on Mars during the Noachian epoch (>3.7 billion years ago), attaining a warm climate to sustain liquid water on Mars at the period of the faint young Sun is a long-standing question. Here, we show that melts of ancient mafic clasts from a martian regolith meteorite, NWA 7533, experienced substantial Fe-Ti oxide fractionation.

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We report the discovery of 173.4 Ma hotspot-related magmatic rocks in the basement of the Demerara Plateau, offshore French Guiana and Suriname. According to plate reconstructions, a single hotspot may be responsible for the magmatic formation of (1) both the Demerara Plateau (between 180 and 170 Ma) and the Guinea Plateau (circa 165 Ma) during the end of the Jurassic rifting of the Central Atlantic; (2) both Sierra Leone and Ceara Rises (mainly from 76 to 68 Ma) during the upper Cretaceous oceanic spreading of the Equatorial Atlantic ocean; (3) the Bathymetrists seamount chain since the upper Cretaceous.

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The so far unique role of our Solar System in the universe regarding its capacity for life raises fundamental questions about its formation history relative to exoplanetary systems. Central in this research is the accretion of asteroids and planets from a gas-rich circumstellar disk and the final distribution of their mass around the Sun. The key building blocks of the planets may be represented by chondrules, the main constituents of chondritic meteorites, which in turn are primitive fragments of planetary bodies.

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Chondrites and their main components, chondrules, are our guides into the evolution of the Solar System. Investigating the history of chondrules, including their volatile element history and the prevailing conditions of their formation, has implications not only for the understanding of chondrule formation and evolution but for that of larger bodies such as the terrestrial planets. Here we have determined the bulk chemical composition-rare earth, refractory, main group, and volatile element contents-of a suite of chondrules previously dated using the Pb-Pb system.

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The formation of a primordial crust is a critical step in the evolution of terrestrial planets but the timing of this process is poorly understood. The mineral zircon is a powerful tool for constraining crust formation because it can be accurately dated with the uranium-to-lead (U-Pb) isotopic decay system and is resistant to subsequent alteration. Moreover, given the high concentration of hafnium in zircon, the lutetium-to-hafnium (Lu-Hf) isotopic decay system can be used to determine the nature and formation timescale of its source reservoir.

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Radiogenic isotopes in oceanic basalts provide a window into the different geochemical components defining the composition of Earth's mantle. Here we report the discovery of a novel geochemical signature in volcanic glasses sampled at a sub-kilometre scale along the East Pacific Rise between 15°37'N and 15°47'N. The most striking aspect of this signature is its unradiogenic lead ((206)Pb/(204)Pb=17.

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Continents ride high above the ocean floor because they are underlain by thick, low-density, Si-rich, and Mg-poor crust. However, the parental magmas of continents were basaltic, which means they must have lost Mg relative to Si during their maturation into continents. Igneous differentiation followed by lower crustal delamination and chemical weathering followed by subduction recycling are possible solutions, but the relative magnitudes of each process have never been quantitatively constrained because of the lack of appropriate data.

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