Publications by authors named "Armin Grunewald"

Automatic approach biases toward smoking-related cues have been implicated in the development and maintenance of addictive behaviors. Studies aiming at modifying such biases have shown promise in changing maladaptive approach tendencies for smoking cues and reducing smoking behavior. However, training effects tend to be small and partly inconsistent.

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Background: Automatic processes to approach smoking-related cues have been repeatedly linked to smoking status, intensity of smoking, and cigarette craving. Moreover, recent findings suggest that targeting those tendencies directly by means of approach bias modification (ABM) has merit in changing maladaptive approach tendencies for drug cues and reducing drug consumption. However, training effects tend to be small.

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Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a method for measuring physiological states and processes that can be used as an imaging method for muscular activities. In addition to the medical evaluation of the EIT data of the lung, this technology can be used to make a statement about muscular activity in the extremities. This paper presents a developed, mobile EIT system that can be used with an electrode bracelet on the arm.

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Background: Automatic tendencies to approach drug-related cues have been linked to the development and maintainance of harmful drug-taking behavior. Recent studies have demonstrated that these automatic approach tendencies can be targeted directly by means of cognitive bias modification (CBM). Moreover, changing those approach tendencies may enhance treatment outcomes.

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In this contribution, a concept of an assistive technology for hearing-impaired and deaf persons is presented. The concept applies pattern recognition algorithms and makes use of modern communication technology to analyze the acoustic environment around a user, identify critical acoustic signatures and give an alert to the user when an event of interest happened. A detailed analysis of the needs of deaf and hearing-impaired people has been performed.

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