Publications by authors named "Arkudas A"

The goal of reconstructive surgery in treating tissue defects is to achieve a stable reconstructive outcome while minimizing donor site morbidity. As a result, tissue engineering has emerged as a key focus in the pursuit of this goal. One approach is to create a tissue container that can be preconditioned and later transplanted into the defect area.

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Objective: Anastomosis of two vessels by end-to-end or end-to-side suturing to create an uninterrupted blood flow between the two vessels.

Indications: Transplantations; replantations; vascular trauma.

Contraindications: Active infections in the area to be vascularized or surgical site; large differences in caliber between the vessels; hypercoagulability; extensive tissue damage.

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Background: Mechanical anastomoses of blood vessels represent a major advance in modern surgery. Highly specialized instruments ensure the precise connection of blood vessels, enabling the immediate restoration of blood flow. Ring coupler systems for venous anastomoses, in particular, have proven themselves in clinical practice due to their convenience and reliability and are now an indispensable part of surgical routines.

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Background: The Autotaxin (ATX)-lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) axis is involved in decreasing radiation sensitivity of breast tumor cells. This study aims to further elucidate the effect of irradiation on the ATX-LPA axis and cytokine secretion in different breast cancer cell lines to identify suitable breast cancer subtypes for targeted therapies.

Methods: Different breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 (luminal A), BT-474 (luminal B), SKBR-3 (HER2-positive), MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 (triple-negative)) and the breast epithelial cell line MCF-10A were irradiated.

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Hand disorders can reduce wrist range of motion (ROM). The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic highlighted challenges in routine follow-up exams, making telemedicine a viable solution. This study evaluates the feasibility and accuracy of patient self-measured wrist ROM using a self-designed goniometer template.

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  • - The scapholunate (SL) ligament injury is a common cause of wrist pain and dysfunction, with existing theories exploring its impact on wrist movement lacking sufficient understanding.
  • - A study conducted on 21 fresh-frozen anatomical specimens utilized CT imaging to analyze wrist kinematics after SL ligament transection, focusing on individual carpal bone motion in relation to the radius.
  • - Results indicated a significant increase in palmar rotation of the scaphoid after SL ligament injury during palmar flexion, while other carpal bones were less affected, highlighting the SL ligament's crucial role in wrist biomechanics.
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Objective: Surface electromyography (sEMG) can sense the motor commands transmitted to the muscles. This work presents a deep learning method that can decode the electrophysiological activity of the forearm muscles into the movements of the human hand.

Methods: We have recorded the kinematics and kinetics of the hand during a wide range of grasps and individual digit movements that cover 22 degrees of freedom of the hand at slow (0.

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  • Cross-finger flaps are a valuable technique in finger reconstruction, particularly for repairing palmar digital and fingertip defects, although long-term results are understudied.
  • A study involving 35 patients showed no significant difference in range of motion (ROM) between the reconstructed and donor fingers compared to the uninjured hand, but there was a noticeable difference in sensory function.
  • Patients reported high satisfaction levels for both functionality (average score of 8.1/10) and aesthetics (average score of 7.7/10), with some experiencing persistent pain during stress on the reconstructed finger but no pain at rest.
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Venipuncture for blood collection is frequently delegated to medical or nursing students, while their individual skills depend on the quality of teaching. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a near infrared imaging (NIR) system on the visualization of veins and its potential benefit for the education of medical personnel. Participants answered a questionnaire following standardized venipuncture for blood sampling with the help of an NIR device.

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Background: Body contouring surgery after massive weight loss is associated with different risk factors. Wound healing disorders and seromas commonly occur postoperatively. Bariatric interventions lead to massive weight loss with excess skin and soft tissue.

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Background: In reconstructive surgery, local flaps might develop tissue necrosis or partial flap loss especially after previous irradiation, which may be necessary in many tumor entities. The application of stem cells seems promising to improve flap perfusion and might be a possible solution to optimize flap survival.

Methods: Twenty rats received harvesting of bilateral random pattern fasciocutaneous flaps.

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Background: Patient informed consent is a crucial subject in preoperative care of patients before elective hand surgery, ensuring that patients have the necessary information and a comprehensive understanding to make autonomous decisions. The use of video-based informed consent systems is an innovative concept to enhance the consent process with multimedia tools. In addition to the conventional process, mostly relying on verbal communication and written documents, the video-based approach aims to present information in a standardized and visually appealing format.

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Extrusion-based bioprinting is an established method in biofabrication. Suitable bioinks have fundamentally different compositions and characteristics, which should be examined, in order to find a perfect model system. Here, we investigate the effect of two alginate-based, yet unalike 3D-printed bioinks, pre-crosslinked alginate-dialdehyde gelatin (ADA-GEL) and a mixture of alginate, hyaluronic acid, and gelatin (Alg/HA/Gel), on the melanoma cell line Mel Im and vice versa in terms of stiffness, shrinkage, cellular behavior and colony formation over 15 days.

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Malignant melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer, is often incurable once metastatic dissemination of cancer cells to distant organs has occurred. We investigated the role of Transcription Factor Activating Enhancer-Binding Protein 2ε (AP2ε) in the progression of metastatic melanoma. Here, we observed that AP2ε is a potent activator of metastasis and newly revealed AP2ε to be an important player in melanoma plasticity.

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Although 2D cancer models have been the standard for drug development, they don't resemble properties adequately. 3D models can potentially overcome this. Bioprinting is a promising technique for more refined models to investigate central processes in tumor development such as proliferation, dormancy or metastasis.

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: The aim of this study was to examine the potential benefit that may be achieved through the introduction of technical innovations and the incorporation of mesh for fascial donor site closure in uni- and bilateral autologous breast reconstruction with abdominal tissue. : A retrospective single-center review of all breast reconstructions with a DIEP or MS-TRAM flap between January 2004 and December 2019 was performed. Donor and recipient site complications and operation times were evaluated before and after the implementation of coupler anastomoses, preoperative computed tomography angiography (CTA), indocyanine green (ICG) angiography, and the inclusion of mesh in donor site repair.

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  • Mallet fingers are the most common tendon injuries in the hand, often requiring careful treatment, especially when there's a bony avulsion involved.
  • In a study analyzing outcomes of a minimally invasive k-wire extension block treatment, 72 out of 244 patients treated for bony mallet fingers from 2009 to 2022 participated.
  • Results showed a 98.7% treatment success rate, high patient satisfaction (median score of 8.0), and no reported difficulties in daily life, leading to the conclusion that this treatment method should be universally offered due to its effectiveness and safety.
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Background: To analyze regional variations in T2 and T2* relaxation times in wrist joint cartilage and the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) at 3 and 7 T and to compare values between field strengths.

Methods: Twenty-five healthy controls and 25 patients with chronic wrist pain were examined at 3 and 7 T on the same day using T2- and T2*-weighted sequences. Six different regions of interest (ROIs) were evaluated for cartilage and 3 ROIs were evaluated at the TFCC based on manual segmentation.

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Background: Arteriovenous (AV) loops help to overcome absent or poor-quality recipient vessels in highly complex microvascular free flap reconstruction cases. There are no studies on blood flow and perfusion patterns. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare intraoperative hemodynamic characteristics of AV loops followed by free tissue transfer for thoracic wall and lower extremity reconstruction.

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In skeletal muscle tissue engineering, innervation and vascularization play an essential role in the establishment of functional skeletal muscle. For adequate three-dimensional assembly, biocompatible aligned nanofibers are beneficial as matrices for cell seeding. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of Schwann cells (SC) on myoblast (Mb) and adipogenic mesenchymal stromal cell (ADSC) cocultures on poly-ɛ-caprolactone (PCL)-collagen I-nanofibers .

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Background: Irradiation plays an important role in the oncological treatment of various tumor entities. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of different irradiation regimens on random-pattern flaps at the molecular and histopathological levels.

Methods: Twenty-five rats underwent harvesting of bilateral random-pattern fasciocutaneous flaps.

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Background: Chest wall resections for malignant chest wall tumors (MCWTs), particularly those with full-thickness chest wall involvement requiring reconstruction, present a therapeutic challenge for thoracic and plastic reconstructive surgeons. The purpose of this study was to review our experience with chest wall resection for primary and metastatic MCWTs, with a focus on perioperative outcomes and postoperative overall survival (OS).

Methods: All patients who underwent surgical resection for primary and secondary MCWTs at our single institution between 2000 and 2019 were retrospectively analyzed.

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Biomaterials with characteristics similar to extracellular matrix and with suitable bioprinting properties are essential for vascular tissue engineering. In search for suitable biomaterials, this study investigated the three hydrogels alginate/hyaluronic acid/gelatin (Alg/HA/Gel), pre-crosslinked alginate di-aldehyde with gelatin (ADA-GEL), and gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) with respect to their mechanical properties and to the survival, migration, and proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). In addition, the behavior of HUVECs was compared with their behavior in Matrigel.

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