Publications by authors named "Ario Conti"

Patients on treatment with levothyroxine (T4) are informed to take this drug in the morning, at least 30 min before having breakfast. A significant decrease of T4 absorption was reported, in fact, when T4 solid formulations are taken with food or coffee. According to preliminary clinical study reports, administration of T4 oral solution appears to be less sensitive to the effect of breakfast beverages on oral bioavailability.

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The standard method to purify sperm DNA from vaginal swabs taken from rape victims is to selectively digest the victim's epithelial cells to solubilize the victim's DNA, and then separate the soluble DNA from the intact sperm by centrifugation. A different approach to removing the soluble victim's DNA is to selectively degrade it using a nuclease, DNase I. DNase I reduces the amount of soluble DNA by over 1000-fold, while having virtually no effect on the sperm DNA remaining in the sperm head and inaccessible to the enzyme.

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Objectives: The preliminary applications of the psychoneuroimmunological knowledges to the treatment of human diseases have confirmed the possibility to amplify IL-2-dependent anticancer immunity by the pineal hormone melatonin (MLT) or by opioid antagonist, such as naltrexone (NTX), which act by activating TH1 lymphocytes or suppressing TH2 lymphocytes, respectively. At present, however, there are no data about the immunobiological effects of a concomitant administration of both MLT and NTX on IL-2-induced anticancer immunity. This preliminary study was carried out to evaluate whether the association of NTX may further enhance the lymphocytosis induced by the neuroimmunotherapy with IL-2 plus MLT.

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Objectives: Recent advances in knowledge of Psychoneuroimmunology have shown that several neuroactive substances, including neurohormones and neuropeptides, may exert immunomodulatory effects. However, despite the great variety of potential neuroimmune interactions, at present we may recognize two major neuroendocrine systems exerting a physiological neuroimmunomodulatory function, consisting of the pineal gland and the brain opioid system, provided by immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive effects, respectively. Recent in human studies have demonstrated the possibility to amplify the biological activity of IL-2, the major anticancer cytokine, by pineal indoles.

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OBJECTIVE: The recent advances in psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology have demonstrated the existence of several endogenous neuroendocrine substances, capable of affecting both tumor growth and host anticancer immune defenses. The pineal gland would represent one of the most important organs releasing antiproliferative and immunostimulating substances, the most known of them is melatonin (MLT). However, MLT would not be the only pineal indole provided by antitumor activity.

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OBJECTIVES: In humans the glomus coccygeus was described in 1860 by Luschka. It is present at the coccyx tip and corresponds to a complex anastomosis between the median sacral artery and vein, and it is innervated by sympathetic fibers. In rats and mice it has been located in the tail ventral face.

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