Publications by authors named "Arena C"

Mediterranean forests are severely threatened by increasing seedling mortality due to harsh environmental conditions, especially drought. In this study, we investigate whether seedlings of and , previously exposed to water deficit, acquired tolerance to summer drought. Seedlings of the two species were grown from April to September in a plastic tunnel greenhouse and exposed to two irrigation regimes (control, 100% water holding capacity; water-stressed, 50% of control).

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Numerous challenges are posed by the extra-terrestrial environment for space farming and various technological growth systems are being developed to allow for microgreens' cultivation in space. Microgreens, with their unique nutrient profiles, may well integrate the diet of crew members, being a natural substitute for chemical food supplements. However, the space radiation environment may alter plant properties, and there is still a knowledge gap concerning the effects of various types of radiation on plants and specifically on the application of efficient and rapid methods for selecting new species for space farming, based on their radio-resistance.

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Ambulatory antimicrobial stewardship can be challenging due to disparities in resource allocation across the care continuum, competing priorities for ambulatory prescribers, ineffective communication strategies, and lack of incentive to prioritize antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) initiatives. Efforts to monitor and compare outpatient antibiotic usage metrics have been implemented through quality measures (QM). Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) represent standardized measures that examine the quality of antibiotic prescribing by region and across insurance health plans.

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Stress modifiers are recognized as biostimulants providing beneficial effects on various plant species. However, the specific potential of modulators such as melatonin, chitosan, humic acid, and selenium in enhancing the resistance of ajwain ( L.) plants to water scarcity remains an open question.

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Lymphedema is a chronic condition characterized by dysfunction of the lymphatic system. There is currently no available cure. The standard of care is complete decongestive physiotherapy performed by a lymphedema therapist.

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Objective: To describe the effect of a (SM) respiratory culture nudge on antibiotic use in colonized patients.

Design: IRB-approved quasi-experiment.

Setting: Five acute-care hospitals in Michigan.

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  • - This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of eravacycline (ERV) as an additional treatment for severe or fulminant Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) in hospitalized patients from 2019 to 2023.
  • - A total of 75 patients were analyzed, with a significant portion suffering from severe or fulminant CDI, and approximately 14.7% required colectomy within 30 days of starting ERV treatment.
  • - The findings suggest that ERV could be a beneficial adjunct therapy for severe CDI, especially in immunocompromised patients, but further research is needed to confirm its effectiveness.
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Background: is a canopy-forming brown macroalga that thrives in the intertidal and subtidal habitats of the warm-temperate Mediterranean Sea, which is particularly exposed to environmental changes due to its peculiar geographical location and exposure to both global and local stressors. Testing whether this species is featured by specific functional, eco-physiological and biochemical traits allowing an efficient use of habitat resources and adaptation to environmental stress, and whether this potential might change with population growth, is essential for predicting the performance of the algae under different environmental abiotic variables (, temperature, nutrient availability, light) and biotic interactions (such as grazing).

Methods: Young (juveniles) and adult thalli of were sampled in the winter season from the Venice Lagoon, Italy, featured by high environmental changes (temperature, salinity) and analyzed for thallus dry matter content (TDMC), photosynthetic activity, photosynthetic pigment and protein content, and antioxidant capacity to assess if thallus age may be considered a significant driver in determining the ecological responses of this species to environmental changes.

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Cold stress represents one of the major constraints for agricultural systems and crops productivity, inducing a wide range of negative effects. Particularly, long-term cold stress affects lipid metabolism, modifying the lipids/proteins ratio, the levels of phospholipids and glycolipids, and increasing lipids' unsaturation in bio-membranes. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) reported prominent roles as NADPH suppliers in response to oxidative perturbations.

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Rhizobacteria play a crucial role in plant growth and yield, stimulating primary production and improving stress resistance. Climate change has several consequences worldwide that affect arable land and agriculture. Studies on plant-soil-microorganism interactions to enhance plant productivity and/or resistance to abiotic stress may open new perspectives.

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Aim: To systematically identify, synthesize and critically summarize the available scientific evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) regarding whether short (≤6 mm) perform as well as long (≥10 mm) implants regarding implant survival, marginal bone loss, and biologic and prosthetic complications in different clinical scenarios.

Materials And Methods: Cochrane Collaboration's risk of bias tool and the GRADE approach were applied. Results were synthesized using random-effects meta-analyses assessed by trial sequential analyses.

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We evaluated the proportion of patients with trichomoniasis and chlamydial infections who received recommended versus nonrecommended antibiotic therapy after the updated 2021 Sexually Transmitted Infections Guideline. Of 712 patients, 473 (66%) received recommended therapy. Receipt of emergency department care was independently associated with recommended therapy (adjusted odds ratio, 2.

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  • The study aimed to collaborate with community organizations to explore the research experiences of individuals who speak languages other than English (LOE).
  • It involved conducting semi-structured interviews in various languages and analyzed the data through qualitative coding and thematic analysis, revealing insights from 30 community members and 6 leaders.
  • Key findings included a general lack of understanding of research concepts among participants, the importance of inclusivity for equity, and recommendations for better communication and trust-building within LOE communities in future research efforts.
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To investigate the influence of stress modulators on the adaptive physiological responses and biomass traits of oregano under water stress conditions, a two-year (2018 and 2019) randomized complete block-designed factorial research was performed. In this study, oregano plants were treated with five stress modulators levels (CHN: chitosan, AMA: amino acids, SEW: seaweed, ASA: ascorbic acid, SAA: salicylic acid, and CON: control) at three levels of irrigation regimes (Irr40 (40), Irr60 (60) and Irr75 (75) % field capacity). The effects of water shortage and biostimulant application were evaluated on total dry weight (TDW), relative water content (RWC), essential oil production, chlorophyll, nutrient (N, K, and P), proline, total soluble sugar, polyphenol and flavonoid content, and activity of antioxidant enzymes.

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Xanthoria parietina survivability in Mars-like conditions was supported by water-lysis efficiency recovery and antioxidant content balancing with ROS production after 30 days of exposure. Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th.

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Introduction: Neutropenic enterocolitis (NEC) is a life-threatening complication reported in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) following chemotherapy (CHT). Intensive induction and consolidation CHT may damage intestinal mucosa leading to a NEC episode (NECe). NEC reported mortality may be up to 30-60%.

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Plants are an inexhaustible source of bioactive compounds beneficial for contrasting oxidative stress, leading to many degenerative pathologies. L. subsp.

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Throughout their lives, humans encounter a plethora of substances capable of inducing neurotoxic effects, including drugs, heavy metals and pesticides. Neurotoxicity manifests when exposure to these chemicals disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous system, and some neurotoxic agents have been linked to neurodegenerative pathologies such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. The growing concern surrounding the neurotoxic impacts of both naturally occurring and man-made toxic substances necessitates the identification of animal models for rapid testing across a wide spectrum of substances and concentrations, and the utilization of tools capable of detecting nervous system alterations spanning from the molecular level up to the behavioural one.

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Seawater warming and marine heatwaves (MHWs) have a major role on the fragmentation and loss of coastal marine habitats. Understanding the resilience and potential for adaptation of marine habitat forming species to ocean warming becomes pivotal for predicting future changes, improving present conservation and restoration strategies. In this study, a thermo-tolerance experiment was conducted to investigate the physiological effects of short vs long MHWs occurring at different timing on recruits of Gongolaria barbata, a canopy-forming species widespread in the Mediterranean Sea.

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Phlegrean mandarin fruits are already known for health-promoting properties due to the high concentration of phytochemicals in peel, pulp, and seed. Biotic and abiotic factors, including light, may modulate their biosynthesis, metabolism, and accumulation. In this context, light-emitting diodes (LED) have recently been applied to control nutritional traits, ripening process, senescence, fruit shelf-life, and pathogenic microbial spoilage of fruits.

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In many crops, including grapevine, the distribution of reflecting dust on foliage is a practice potentially leading to the mitigation of environmental stresses such as excessive light and limited water supply. This study aimed to evaluate whether the presence of dust on the leaves may affect PSII photochemical efficiency and gas-exchange measurements, thus leading to biased results. The study was conducted in a winery located at Benevento (Italy) on L.

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Background: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed at investigate the role of locally delivered host-modulators in combination with step 2 of periodontal therapy in reducing probing pocket depth, improving clinical attachment level and reducing bone defect depth in intra-bony defects.

Highlight: RCT with at least 6 months follow-up were included in this study. Risk of bias assessment was performed with Cochrane collaboration tool and Grade GRADEpro.

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The effects of the irrigation regime and different fertilizer sources on the eco-physiological responses and yield characteristics of dragon's head were explored in a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with 12 treatments and 3 replications in the 2019 growing season. The treatments included six different fertilizer sources (animal manure, vermicompost, poultry manure, biofertilizer, chemical fertilizer, and control) and two irrigation regimes (rainfed and supplemental irrigation). The results indicated the positive effects of supplementary irrigation and the application of vermicompost, poultry manure, and animal manure by increasing the absorption of nutrients (phosphorus and potassium) and improving relative water contents, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents, and the fixed oil percentage of dragon's head.

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The consumption of fresh tomatoes and processed tomato products is widespread in the Mediterranean diet. This fruit is a valuable source of antioxidants and plays an important role in preventing oxidative stress. This study aimed to investigate the content of antioxidants and measure the total antioxidant capacity (ABTS and DPPH assays) in the peel, pulp, and seed fractions of six tomato cultivars.

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