Publications by authors named "Apicella Antonio"

Alkaline sodium hydroxide/sodium silicate-activating high-purity metakaolin geopolymerization is described in terms of metakaolin deconstruction in tetrahedral hydrate silicate [O[Si(OH)]] and aluminate [Al(OH)] ionic precursors followed by their reassembling in linear and branched sialates monomers that randomly copolymerize into an irregular crosslinked aluminosilicate network. The novelty of the approach resides in the concurrent thermo-calorimetric (differential scanning calorimetry, DSC) and rheological (dynamic mechanical analysis, DMA) characterizations of the liquid slurry during the transformation into a gel and a structural glassy solid. Tests were run either in temperature scan (1 °C/min) or isothermal (20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C) cure conditions.

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This paper examines how extrusion-based 3D-printing technology is evolving, utilising geopolymers (GPs) as sustainable inorganic aluminosilicate materials. Particularly, the current state of 3D-printing geopolymers is critically examined in this study from the perspectives of the production process, printability need, mix design, early-age material features, and sustainability, with an emphasis on the effects of various elements including the examination of the fresh and hardened properties of 3D-printed geopolymers, depending on the matrix composition, reinforcement type, curing process, and printing configuration. The differences and potential of two-part and one-part geopolymers are also analysed.

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Magnesium AZ31 alloy has been chosen as bio-resorbable temporary prosthetic implants to investigate the degradation processes in a simulating body fluid (SBF) of the bare metal and the ones coated with low and high-molecular-weight PEO hydrogels. Hydrogel coatings are proposed to control the bioresorption rate of AZ31 alloy. The alloy was preliminary hydrothermally treated to form a magnesium hydroxide layer.

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Although geopolymers, as structural materials, should have superior engineering properties than traditional cementitious materials, they often need to improve their final characteristics' reproducibility due to the need for more control of the complex silico-aluminate decomposition and polymerisation stages. Thermosetting of a reactive geopolymeric paste involves tetrahedral Silicate and Aluminate precursor condensation into polyfunctional oligomers of progressively higher molecular weight, transforming the initial liquid into a gel and a structural solid. Viscosity and gelation control become particularly critical when the geopolymer is processed with 3D printing additive technology.

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Background: Customized computer-aided-design/computer-aided-manufacturing (CAD/CAM) titanium meshes have been adopted for alveolar bone augmentation. But the inaccuracies between planned and created bone volume/contour are quite common, and the surgical placement of the customized mesh was considered as the first critical factor. However, the evaluation of surgical placement accuracy of customized mesh is currently lacking.

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Extraskeletal vertical bone augmentation in oral implant surgery requires extraosseous regeneration beyond the anatomical contour of the alveolar bone. It is necessary to find a better technical/clinical solution to solve the dilemma of vertical bone augmentation. 3D-printed scaffolds are all oriented to general bone defect repair, but special bone augmentation design still needs improvement.

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With progress in the bone tissue engineering (BTE) field, there is an important need to develop innovative biomaterials to improve the bone healing process using reproducible, affordable, and low-environmental-impact alternative synthetic strategies. This review thoroughly examines geopolymers' state-of-the-art and current applications and their future perspectives for bone tissue applications. This paper aims to analyse the potential of geopolymer materials in biomedical applications by reviewing the recent literature.

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For mandibular injury, how to utilize 3D implants with novel structures to promote the reconstruction of large mandibular bone defect is the major focus of clinical and basic research. This study proposed a novel 3D titanium lattice-like implant for mandibular injuries based on simulation model, which is designed and optimized by a biomechanical/mechanobiological approach, and the working framework for optimal design and preparation processes of the implant has been validated to tailored to specific patient biomechanical, physiological and clinical requirements. This objective has been achieved by matching and assembling different morphologies of a lattice-like implant mimicking cancellous and cortical bone morphologies and properties, namely, an internal spongy trabecular-like structure that can be filled with bone graft materials and an external grid-like structure that can ensure the mechanical bearing capacity.

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Objective: Additively manufactured (3D-printed) titanium meshes have been adopted in the dental field as non-resorbable membranes for guided bone regeneration (GBR) surgery. However, according to previous studies, inaccuracies between planned and created bone volume and contour are common, and many reasons have been speculated to affect its accuracy. The size of the alveolar bone defect can significantly increase patient-specific titanium mesh design and surgical difficulty.

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Innovative tissue engineering biomimetic hydrogels based on hydrophilic polymers have been investigated for their physical and mechanical properties. 5% to 25% by volume loading PHEMA-nanosilica glassy hybrid samples were equilibrated at 37 °C in aqueous physiological isotonic and hypotonic saline solutions (0.15 and 0.

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Background: Full ceramic or metal custom-made root analogue implants (RAIs) are made by replicating the natural tooth geometry. However, it may lead to the stress shielding of the surrounding bone, and an RAI is unable to easily achieve primary stability. Therefore, to improve primary stability and reduce stress shielding, RAI porous structures are proposed.

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This work reports on the use of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors integrated with innovative composite items of aircraft landing gear for strain/stress monitoring. Recently, the introduction of innovative structures in aeronautical applications is appealing with two main goals: (i) to decrease the weight and cost of current items; and (ii) to increase the mechanical resistance, if possible. However, the introduction of novel structures in the aeronautical field demands experimentation and certification regarding their mechanical resistance.

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Local abnormal angiogenesis and cardiovascular system reorganization have been observed in embryos exposed to a simulated microgravity (SM) environment. In this study, changes in key molecular signals and pathways in cardiovascular development have been investigated under microgravity conditions. In particular, the caudal vein plexus (CVP) network, formed by sprouting angiogenesis has been chosen.

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The experimental determination of local bone deformations due to implant loading would allow for a better understanding of the biomechanical behavior of the bone-implant-prosthesis system as well as the influence of uneven force distribution on the onset of implant complications. The present study aimed at describing an innovative in vivo strain gauge measurement technique to evaluate implant-to-bone force transmission, assessing whether and how oral implants can transfer occlusal forces through maxillary bones. In vivo force measurements were performed in the maxillary premolar region of a male patient who had previously received a successful osseointegrated titanium implant.

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Unlabelled: Metformin is an antidiabetic drug; used to treat type II diabetes mellitus, metformin associated lactic acidosis has an incidence of 2-9 cases / 100,000 patients / year with high mortality (30%). We have had the case of a 75-year-old woman with metabolic acidosis as a result of metformin assumption, treated by renal replacement therapy (CRRT) with continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF).

Results: after a short treatment period there was a reduction in Lactates (from 16.

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Objectives: To present a practical approach that combines biomechanical tests, microcomputed tomography (μCT) and histomorphometry, providing quantitative results on bone structure and mechanical properties in a minipig model, in order to investigate the specific response to an innovative dental biomaterial.

Methods: Titanium implants with innovative three-dimensional scaffolds were inserted in the tibias of 4 minipigs. Primary stability and osseointegration were investigated by means of insertion torque (IT) values, resonance frequency analysis (RFA), bone-to-implant contact (BIC), bone mineral density (BMD) and stereological measures of trabecular bone.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study quantified how fracture geometry and the rigidity of restorative materials affect stress distribution in restored fractured central maxillary incisors, focusing on adhesive interfaces.
  • Three fracture plane orientations were modeled using finite element analysis to assess how different angles influence stress intensity and distribution under controlled loading conditions.
  • Results showed significant variations in stress levels, with the -30° fracture model experiencing the highest interfacial stress, while the rigidity of restorative materials provided minimal impact on the stress state in certain models.
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Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate differences in the ultimate fracture resistance of titanium and zirconia abutments.

Material And Methods: Twenty titanium fixtures were embedded in 20 resin mandible section simulators to mimic osseointegrated implants in the premolar area. The embedded implants were then randomly divided into two groups.

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Purpose: To assess under load the biomechanical behavior of the cementing system of feldspathic vs alumina porcelain veneers.

Materials And Methods: A 3D model of a maxillary central incisor, the periodontal ligament (PDL) and the alveolar bone was generated. Incisors restored with alumina and feldspathic porcelain veneers were compared to a natural sound tooth.

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Aim: To identify mechanical and geometrical variables affecting the biofidelity of numerical models of human mandible. Computed results sensibility to cortical bone orthotropy and thicknesses is investigated.

Methods: Two mandible numerical models of different bone complexities are setup.

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This study is aimed at evaluating the biomechanical behavior of feldspathic versus alumina porcelain veneers. A 3D numerical model of a maxillary central incisor, with the periodontal ligament (PDL) and the alveolar bone was generated. Such model was made up of four main volumes: dentin, enamel, cement layer and veneer.

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Objectives: In healthy conditions, modeling and remodeling collaborate to obtain a correct shape and function of bones. Loads on bones cause bone strains which generate signals that some cells can detect and respond to. Threshold ranges of such signals are genetically determined and are involved in the control of modeling and remodeling.

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The study aimed at estimating the effect of insertion length of posts with composite restorations on stress and strain distributions in central incisors and surrounding bone. The typical, average geometries were generated in a FEA environment. Dentin was considered as an elastic orthotropic material, and periodontal ligament was coupled with nonlinear viscoelastic mechanical properties.

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Purpose: To estimate which combination of restorative materials resulted in the most homogeneous stress and strain distributions in post-and-core treated teeth.

Materials And Methods: Eight experimental finite element models with different material configurations were simulated; both indirect and direct restorations were considered. An arbitrary load of 50 N was applied on the palatal surface of the crown at a 60-degree angle to the tooth's longitudinal axis to simulate tearing function.

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Objectives: The present comparative analysis aimed at evaluating which combination of restorative materials resulted in the most homogeneous stress and strain distributions.

Methods: A three-dimensional finite element analysis was performed. All the nodes on the external surface of the root were constrained in all directions.

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