Publications by authors named "Antonio Laverghetta"

To estimate correlations for scores on a student anti-intellectualism scale with scores on a measure of political conservatism, 235 students were given a survey containing a student anti-intellectualism scale, a political conservatism scale, and a demographics questionnaire identifying the participants' sex, college classification, ethnicity, political party affiliation, and self-described political ideology. The political conservatism scale contained two factors, Religiosity and Economic Conservatism, both of which were scored separately in addition to an overall Conservatism score. Students' Anti-intellectualism scores were correlated with Political Conservatism scores (r = .

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Corticostriatal and thalamostriatal projections utilize glutamate as a neurotransmitter in mammals and birds. The influence on striatum is mediated, in part, by ionotropic AMPA-type glutamate receptors, which are heteromers composed of GluR1-4 subunits. Although the cellular localization of AMPA-type subunits has been well characterized in mammalian basal ganglia, their localization in avian basal ganglia has not.

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Area X is a nucleus within songbird basal ganglia that is part of the anterior forebrain song learning circuit. It receives cortical song-related input and projects to the dorsolateral medial nucleus of thalamus (DLM). We carried out single- and double-labeled immunohistochemical and pathway tracing studies in male zebra finch to characterize the cellular organization and circuitry of area X.

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Two types of corticostriatal projection neurons have been identified: 1) one whose intrastriatal arborization arises as a collateral of a projection to the ipsilateral brainstem via the pyramidal tract (PT-type); and 2) one that projects intratelencephalically to the cortex and striatum, in many cases bilaterally, but not extratelencephalically (IT-type). To assess possible functional differences between these two neuron types, we characterized their laminar location in the cortex, their perikaryal size, and the morphology of their intrastriatal terminals. IT-type neurons were retrogradely labeled by tetramethylrhodamine-dextran amine (RDA)3k injection into the contralateral striatum, whereas their intrastriatal terminals were labeled anterogradely by biotinylated dextran amine (BDA)10k injection into the contralateral motor or primary somatosensory cortex.

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In birds with laterally-located eyes, such as zebra finches and pigeons, the tectofugal visual pathway is the most prominent route from the retina to the telencephalon. However, little is known about exactly how the visual information is processed in this pathway, especially at the core region of the ectostriatum (Ec) in the telencephalon. In order to reveal a detailed organization of Ec, we decided to systematically analyze the afferent connections of Ec by injecting small amounts of sensitive tracers (biotinylated dextran amine and cholera toxin subunit B) selectively into different regions of Ec and the thalamic center of the tectofugal pathway (the nucleus rotundus, Rt).

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