Publications by authors named "Antonio C Paranhos Filho"

The incidence of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) varies in Latin America, and it is influenced by environmental factors. This study evaluated the distribution of PCM acute/subacute form (AF) cases and their correlation with geoclimatic factors in the Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) state. The study included 81 patients diagnosed with the PCM/AF at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul between January 1980 and February 2022.

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Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is one of the pillars of a combination prevention strategy for reducing the risk of new infections caused by HIV. The daily use of antiretroviral drugs by individuals who are not infected with HIV is required to prevent infection. Although its efficacy has been well established in the literature, in recent years, the decreased supply of antiretroviral drugs has been associated with an increase in the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and changes in the social determinants of health.

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Brazil's Midwest is composed of four biomes: the Cerrado, predominant in the region; the Pantanal, the largest wetland in the world; the Amazon, which occupies part of Mato Grosso; and the Atlantic Forest. The objective of this study was to identify the evolution of occupation and use of land in the rural settlements of the Brazilian Midwest depending on the biome of location. A total of 54 settlements distributed in the four biomes of the region were analyzed using direct observation and Landsat images from the years 2004 and 2014.

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Brazil's Midwest is composed of four biomes, the Cerrado (Brazilian savannah), predominant in the region; the Pantanal, the largest irrigated plain on the planet; the Amazon biome; and the Atlantic Forest. The Midwest is the largest producer of grains and livestock in Brazil, activities that have a negative impact on environmental preservation. Agrarian reform redistributes land and reinforces small family farming, which many authors consider as favorable to environmental protection.

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The state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil is an important region of South America regarding leishmaniasis, with the great diversity of sandflies reported since 1938 and wide biodiversity represented by its biomes (Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, and Pantanal). A checklist of sandflies is presented here for the state and respective biomes. The data base was compiled from primary and secondary data.

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The Midwest region of Brazil has a high concentration of land and is the primary producer of grains and livestock in the country, activities with a negative impact on environment. Agrarian reform allows redistribution of land and reinforces family agriculture, which is considered to be favorable to environmental protection. The aim of this study was to use field and remote observations to verify the evolution of environmental preservation and land use in rural settlements in the Midwest region of Brazil.

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Background: Leishmaniases are considered a major public health problem in South America, specifically in Brazil. Moreover, the transmission and epidemiology of leishmaniasis are possibly associated with climatic and environmental variations.

Objective: This study aimed to assess the association between the extreme climatic phenomenon El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the maximum and minimum variations of temperature, precipitation, and soil moisture and the incidence of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil, from 2002 to 2015.

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Phlebotomines have been recorded from a wide variety of habitats, and some of these vector species have shown preference for human environments, with high levels of adaptation. This study evaluated the degree of preference of these vectors for urban, rural, and forested environments (synanthropic behavior), as well as the diversity of these species, in three areas (forested, rural, and urban, exhibiting different degrees of anthropogenic changes) in a region of intense transmission of visceral leishmaniasis in Corumbá county, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Using light traps, sand fly specimens were collected from the three environments simultaneously, from May 2015 to April 2017, totaling 7 213 sand flies of 14 species in eight genera.

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Characterized by fluvio-alluvial sedimentation processes, the heterogeneity in the Pantanal Basin allows its division in several sub-regions, which present natural characteristics of their own. It is possible to find in the literature different proposals to subdivide the Pantanal plain, which vary in total area and number of sub-regions. Each author uses specific criteria - mainly vegetation, soil and humidity - in his delimitation, but does not consider the tectonic aspects of the basin.

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Pantanal da Nhecolândia is one of the most well-preserved areas in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Located in the southern part of the Taquari River megafan, it is in tectonic contact with the fault escarpments of the Maracaju-Campo Grande plateaus to the east and with the fault escarpments of the Bodoquena plateau to the west, which continue to north. To the south and to the north, the limits are marked respectively by the lineaments of the Negro and Taquari Rivers.

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The monthly distribution and abundance of sand flies are influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors. The present study aimed to evaluate the seasonal distribution of sand flies and the relation between their abundance and environmental parameters, including vegetation and climate. This study was conducted over a 2-year period (April 2012 to March 2014).

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Inundation and fire can affect the structure of riparian vegetation in wetlands. Our aim was to verify if there are differences in richness, abundance, basal area, composition and topographic preference of woody species in riparian forests related to the fire history, flooding duration, or the interaction between both. The study was conducted in the riparian forests of the Paraguay River some of which were burned three times between 2001 and 2011.

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The increasing incidence of chronic renal failure in Brazil and the consequential expansion of hemodialysis as a choice for treatment in final stage have to be taken into account to guarantee access to those in need. The ecological study conducted in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in 2012, using data from the Brazilian Health Informatics Department (DATASUS) and from the analysis of medical records in 12 clinics, identified and mapped patients on hemodialysis, the distance they travelled and the estimated number of patients. The prevalence of hemodialysis patients in Mato Grosso do Sul State, about 55 per 100,000 inhabitants, is similar to the national average.

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Objective: To analyze the situation of sexual violence against adolescents.

Methods: Cross-sectional study with spatial analysis, covering 172 reporting forms, from January 2009 to January 2013, in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. Data were grouped by neighborhood for spatial analysis.

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Background: Environmental changes caused by urbanization can cause alterations in the ecology and behavior of sandflies and in the epidemiology of leishmaniasis. Geotechnological tools allow the analysis and recognition of spatiotemporal patterns by monitoring and mapping risk areas of this vector-borne disease. This study aims to describe the sandfly fauna in the municipality of Corumbá and to compare it with the data described in a three-year period from 1984 to 1986 by Galati.

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This paper presents a study of the structural lineaments of the Pantanal extracted visually from satellite images (CBERS-2B satellite, Wide Field Imager sensor, a free image available in INTERNET) and a comparison with the structural lineaments of Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks surrounding the Cenozoic Pantanal Basin. Using a free software for satellite image analysis, the photointerpretation showed that the NS, NE and NW directions observed on the Pantanal satellite images are the same recorded in the older rocks surrounding the basin, suggesting reactivation of these basement structural directions during the Quaternary. So the Pantanal Basin has an active tectonics and its evolution seems to be linked to changes that occurred during the Andean subduction.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study uses remote sensing to examine how environmental factors affect the distribution of the sandfly species Lutzomyia longipalpis and cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Campo Grande, Brazil.
  • Sandfly captures were conducted in selected residences within specific buffer zones, with the data being georeferenced and analyzed using GIS software.
  • Results indicated a significant positive correlation between sandfly abundance and both vegetation cover and average NDVI, but no correlation was found with habitat heterogeneity.
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The Pantanal of Nhecolândia, the world's largest and most diversified field of tropical lakes, comprises approximately 10,000 lakes, which cover an area of 24,000 km(2) and vary greatly in salinity, pH, alkalinity, colour, physiography and biological activity. The hyposaline lakes have variable pHs, low alkalinity, macrophytes and low phytoplankton densities. The saline lakes have pHs above 9 or 10, high alkalinity, a high density of phytoplankton and sand beaches.

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The implementation and strengthening of initiatives on physical activity and health are needed to guide and propose body practice in a conscious and autonomous way. Given the relevance of the investigation of places to the practice of physical activity in the development of public policies and practices of intervention, it is necessary knowledge about where and how this activity is developed, and the characteristics of the people interested. The objective of this study was characterize practitioners of physical activity in the Campus of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS); identifying ways and reasons that led these people to seek for that space and the importance of vocational guidance for the practice.

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Objectives: To map American Visceral Leishmaniasis (AVL) in Mato Grosso do Sul State (Central Brazil).

Methods: The distribution of AVL was mapped, using the Geographic Information System.

Results: The disease was endemic to the Corumbá Region from 1913 to 1998.

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