Publications by authors named "Anton Burakov"

A growing body of evidence suggests that actin plays a role in nuclear architecture, genome organisation, and regulation. Our study of human lung adenocarcinoma cells demonstrates that the equilibrium between actin isoforms affects the composition of the nuclear lamina, which in turn influences nuclear stiffness and cellular behaviour. The downregulation of β-actin resulted in an increase in nuclear area, accompanied by a decrease in A-type lamins and an enhancement in lamin B2.

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The changes in the level of small GTPase ARL4C are associated with the initiation and progression of many different cancers. The content of ARL4C varies greatly between different tissues, and the induction of ARL4C expression leads to changes in cell morphology and proliferation. Although ARL4C can bind alpha-tubulin and affect intracellular transport, the role of ARL4C in the functioning of the tubulin cytoskeleton remained unclear.

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Context: Pathogenic variants in the TBCE gene, encoding tubulin-specific chaperone E crucial for tubulin folding, are linked to three severe neurodevelopmental disorders: Hypoparathyroidism-retardation-dysmorphism (HRD) syndrome, Kenny-Caffey syndrome type 1, and progressive encephalopathy with amyotrophy and optic atrophy.

Objective: We identified patients with a novel, milder TBCE-associated phenotype and aimed to characterize it at the clinical and molecular levels.

Materials And Methods: We conducted splicing analysis using deep NGS sequencing of RT-PCR products and detected TBCE through Western blotting.

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Microtubules are an indispensable component of all eukaryotic cells due to their role in mitotic spindle formation, yet their organization and number can vary greatly in the interphase. The last common ancestor of all eukaryotes already had microtubules and microtubule motor proteins moving along them. Sponges are traditionally regarded as the oldest animal phylum.

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In response to stress stimuli, eukaryotic cells typically suppress protein synthesis. This leads to the release of mRNAs from polysomes, their condensation with RNA-binding proteins, and the formation of non-membrane-bound cytoplasmic compartments called stress granules (SGs). SGs contain 40S but generally lack 60S ribosomal subunits.

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Upon oxidative stress, mammalian cells rapidly reprogram their translation. This is accompanied by the formation of stress granules (SGs), cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein condensates containing untranslated mRNA molecules, RNA-binding proteins, 40S ribosomal subunits, and a set of translation initiation factors. Here we show that arsenite-induced stress causes a dramatic increase in the stop-codon readthrough rate and significantly elevates translation reinitiation levels on uORF-containing and bicistronic mRNAs.

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Membrane trafficking in interphase animal cells is accomplished mostly along the microtubules. Microtubules are often organized radially by the microtubule-organizing center to coordinate intracellular transport. Along with the centrosome, the Golgi often serves as a microtubule-organizing center, capable of nucleating and retaining microtubules.

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Ferritins comprise a conservative family of proteins found in all species and play an essential role in resistance to redox stress, immune response, and cell differentiation. Sponges (Porifera) are the oldest Metazoa that show unique plasticity and regenerative potential. Here, we characterize the ferritins of two cold-water sponges using proteomics, spectral microscopy, and bioinformatic analysis.

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Microtubules (MTs) often form a polarized array with minus ends anchored at the centrosome and plus ends extended toward the cell margins. Plus ends display behavior known as dynamic instability-transitions between rapid shortening and slow growth. It is known that dynamic instability is regulated locally to ensure entry of MTs into nascent areas of the cytoplasm, but details of this regulation remain largely unknown.

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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is involved in biogenesis, modification and transport of secreted and membrane proteins. The ER membranes are spread throughout the cell cytoplasm as well as the export domains known as ER exit sites (ERES). A subpopulation of ERES is centrally localized proximal to the Golgi apparatus.

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Centrosomes have a nonrandom localization in the cells: either they occupy the centroid of the zone free of the actomyosin cortex or they are shifted to the edge of the cell, where their presence is justified from a functional point of view, for example, to organize additional microtubules or primary cilia. This review discusses centrosome placement options in cultured and in situ cells. It has been proven that the central arrangement of centrosomes is due mainly to the pulling microtubules forces developed by dynein located on the cell cortex and intracellular vesicles.

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Hsp70 chaperone controls proteostasis and anti-stress responses in rapidly renewing cancer cells, making it an important target for therapeutic compounds. To date several Hsp70 inhibitors are presented with remarkable anticancer activity, however their clinical application is limited by the high toxicity towards normal cells. This study aimed to develop assays to search for the substances that reduce the chaperone activity of Hsp70 and diminish its protective function in cancer cells.

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Cell motility is an essential complex process that requires actin and microtubule cytoskeleton reorganization and polarization. Such extensive rearrangement is closely related to cell polarization as a whole. The serine/threonine kinase SLK/LOSK is a potential regulator of cell motility, as it phosphorylates a series of cytoskeleton-bound proteins that collectively participate in the remodeling of migratory cell architecture.

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A structural link between cell's nucleus and centrosome was proposed years ago. Such a link was suggested to maintain nucleus-centrosome axis, determine polarity of interphase cells and ensure spindle assembly in mitotic cells. The idea of structural link is supported by the facts that centrosomes are usually located in close proximity to the nuclei and remain attached to the nuclei in mildly homogenated cells.

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The centrosome position in many types of interphase cells is actively maintained in the cell center. Our previous work indicated that the centrosome is kept at the center by pulling force generated by dynein and actin flow produced by myosin contraction and that an unidentified factor that depends on microtubule dynamics destabilizes position of the centrosome. Here, we use modeling to simulate the centrosome positioning based on the idea that the balance of three forces-dyneins pulling along microtubule length, myosin-powered centripetal drag, and microtubules pushing on organelles-is responsible for the centrosome displacement.

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Dynactin is a multiprotein complex that enhances dynein activity. The largest dynactin subunit, p150Glued, interacts with microtubules through its N-terminal region that contains a globular cytoskeleton-associated protein (CAP)-Gly domain and basic microtubule-binding domain of unknown structure. The p150Glued gene has a complicated intron-exon structure, and many splice isoforms of p150Glued protein have been predicted.

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Actin filaments that serve as "rails" for the myosin-based transport of membrane organelles [1-4] continuously turn over by concurrent growth and shortening at the opposite ends [5]. Although it is known that dynamics of actin filaments is essential for many of the actin cytoskeleton functions, the role of such dynamics in myosin-mediated organelle transport was never studied before. Here, we addressed the role of turnover of actin filaments in the myosin-based transport of membrane organelles by treating cells with the drugs that suppress actin-filament dynamics and found that such a suppression significantly inhibited organelle transport along the actin filaments without inhibiting their intracellular distribution or the activity of the myosin motors.

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Interphase microtubules are organized into a radial array with centrosome in the center. This organization is a subject of cellular regulation that can be driven by protein phosphorylation. Only few protein kinases that regulate microtubule array in interphase cells have been described.

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Cytoplasmic dynein is known to be involved in the establishment of radial microtubule (MT) arrays. During mitosis, dynein activity is required for tethering of the MTs at the spindle poles. In interphase cells, dynein inhibitors induce loss of radial MT organization; however, the exact role of dynein in the maintenance of MT arrays is unclear.

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The position of the centrosome is actively maintained at the cell center, but the mechanisms of the centering force remain largely unknown. It is known that centrosome positioning requires a radial array of cytoplasmic microtubules (MTs) that can exert pushing or pulling forces involving MT dynamics and the activity of cortical MT motors. It has also been suggested that actomyosin can play a direct or indirect role in this process.

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