The extant species of Nautilus and Allonautilus (Cephalopoda) inhabit fore-reef slope environments across a large geographic area of the tropical western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans. While many aspects of their biology and behavior are now well-documented, uncertainties concerning their current populations and ecological role in the deeper, fore-reef slope environments remain. Given the historical to current day presence of nautilus fisheries at various locales across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, a comparative assessment of the current state of nautilus populations is critical to determine whether conservation measures are warranted.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRenal uroliths (concrements) of calcium phosphate have long been known to exist in both growing and mature (non-growing) Nautilus specimens, but to date no evidence-based explanation for their existence has been available. The currently favored speculation is that they function as a calcium reserve for shell and septal calcification. Here we present new observational and experimental data that are consistent with the hypothesis that they serve as a mineral/ion reserve, allowing short-term (<1 day) addition of ionized calcium and phosphorus to blood and other body fluids, in a way analogous to that of vertebrate bone.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Snout Otter Clam, Lutraria philippinarum is a regularly harvested bivalve species for food and also as a source of income in the Philippines. For sustainable supply of this resource in the wild, efficient and effective management strategies are needed, and the evaluation of its reproductive biology and fishery are required. In this study, the reproductive biology and fishery of L.
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