Adding massive amounts of lactic starters to raw milk to manage the sanitary risk in the cheese-making process could be detrimental to microbial diversity. Adjusting the amount of the lactic starter used could be a key to manage these adverse impacts. In uncooked pressed cheeses, we investigated the impacts of varying the doses of a lactic starter (the recommended one, 1×, a 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn addition to their high sodium content, cheeses are thought to induce an acid load to the body, which is associated with deleterious effects on consumers' health. Our objective was to explore the use of alkalinizing salts in partial substitution of NaCl to reduce both the sodium content and the acid-forming potential of cheese, without altering its sensory properties. Blue-veined cheeses were produced under industrial conditions, using brine salting followed by dry salting with a 4:1 (wt/wt) mixture of calcium lactate:NaCl or calcium citrate:NaCl.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA disregarded nutritional feature of cheeses is their high acid-forming potential when ingested, which is associated with deleterious effects on consumers' health. This work aimed to characterize the acid-forming potential of a blue-veined cheese during manufacturing to identify the main steps of the process involved in this phenomenon. Sampling was performed on 3 batches at 10 steps of the cheese-making process: reception of raw milk, pasteurization, maturation of milk, coagulation, stirring, draining of the curds, and 4 ripening stages: 21, 28, 42, and 56d.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDue to their composition, cheeses are suspected to induce an acid load to the body. To better understand this nutritional feature, the acid-forming potential of five cheeses from different cheese-making technologies and two milk was evaluated on the basis of their potential renal acid load (PRAL) index (considering protein, P, Cl, Na, K, Mg and Ca contents) and organic anions contents. PRAL index ranged from -0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this study was to measure the impact of heating on the sensory properties of blue-veined cheeses in order to characterise their sensory properties and to identify their specific sensory typology associated with physicochemical parameters. Sensory profiles were performed on a selection of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheeses representing the four blue-veined cheese categories produced in the Massif Central (Fourme d'Ambert, Fourme de Montbrison, Bleu d'Auvergne and Bleu des Causses). At the same time, physicochemical parameters were measured in these cheeses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe impact of Gram-negative bacteria on sensory characteristics and production of volatile compounds as well as biogenic amines (BA) in the core of an uncooked pressed type model cheese was investigated in the presence of a defined complex microbial consortium. Eleven strains of Gram-negative bacteria, selected on the basis of their biodiversity and in vitro BA-production ability, were individually tested in a model cheese. Four out of 6 strains of Enterobacteriaceae (Citrobacter freundii UCMA 4217, Klebsiella oxytoca 927, Hafnia alvei B16 and Proteus vulgaris UCMA 3780) reached counts close to 6 log CFU g⁻¹ in the model cheese.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTraditional dry fermented sausages are manufactured without addition of starter cultures in small-scale processing units, their fermentation relying on indigenous microflora. Characterisation and control of these specific bacteria are essential for the sensory quality and the safety of the sausages. The aim of this study was to develop an autochthonous starter culture that improves safety while preserving the typical sensory characteristics of traditional sausages.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this study was to investigate the homogeneity of the traditional dry sausages manufactured in small scale facilities from the Massif Central region in France by taking into account the diversity of the production in this area. The homogeneity was estimated by analysis of the physicochemical parameters of 6 types of traditional dry sausages chosen as representatives of the production diversity. The homogeneity was evaluated (i) within the product, (ii) in the production batch and (iii) over 2 different seasons for each type of dry sausage.
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