Publications by authors named "Annemiek M J De Vos"

Importance: Patients with angina and no obstructive coronary artery disease frequently have coronary vasomotor dysfunction as underlying pathophysiological mechanism, comprising epicardial spasm, microvascular spasm, and/or microcirculatory dysfunction. These endotypes can be diagnosed by invasive coronary function testing which has previously shown to be safe in tertiary and expert centers.

Objective: To determine the prevalence of vasomotor dysfunction in patients with angina and no obstructive coronary artery disease who were clinically referred for a coronary function test (CFT); and assess safety and feasibility of a CFT.

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Background: A coronary function test (CFT) is the recommended diagnostic test to identify coronary vasomotor dysfunction as a cause of symptoms in patients with angina and nonobstructive coronary arteries (ANOCA). Acetylcholine is the commonly used pharmacological agent for spasm provocation. We aimed to investigate an association between severity of symptoms and provocative acetylcholine dose.

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Coronary microvascular dysfunction is a highly prevalent condition of both structural and functional coronary disorders in patients with angina and nonobstructive coronary artery disease (ANOCA). Current diagnostic modalities to assess microvascular function are related to prognosis, but these modalities have several technical shortcomings and lack the opportunity to determine true coronary blood flow and microvascular resistance. Intracoronary continuous thermodilution assessment of absolute coronary flow (Q) and microvascular resistance (R) was recently shown to be safe and feasible in ANOCA.

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Background: It is already known that high coronary microvascular resistance (Rμ) is linked to altered left ventricular stiffness and might be an early indicator of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Left atrial dysfunction, on the other hand, varies according to the grade of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. This is the first study to use the latest development for invasive assessment of Rμ and to combine it with echocardiographic assessment of left atrial strain during reservoir phase (LAS) by speckle tracking in relation to left ventricular (LV) diastolic function.

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We present the case of an 82-year-old woman undergoing high-risk chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention (CTO-PCI) of the right coronary artery. Hours after the procedure, a subepicardial haematoma was diagnosed as a result of coronary perforation during the procedure. This rare and potentially lethal complication evolved exceptionally benignly after conservative management; our patient fully recovered.

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