Publications by authors named "Annemie van Hirtum"

Multi-layer silicone composites are commonly used to mold deformable silicone vocal folds replicas. Nevertheless, so far the stress-strain characterisation of such composite specimens is limited to their effective Young's modulus (up to 40 kPa) characterising the elastic low-strain range, i.e.

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To examine the quasi-steady approximation of the glottal flow, widely used in the modeling of vocal fold oscillations, intraglottal pressure distributions were measured in a scaled-up static vocal fold model under time-varying flow conditions. The left and right vocal folds were slightly open and set to a symmetric and oblique configuration with a divergence angle. To realize time-varying flow conditions, the flow rate was sinusoidally modulated with a frequency of 2 and 10 Hz, which correspond to 112.

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  • Dysphonia can occur when there's an angular difference between the left and right vocal folds, often due to conditions like unilateral vocal fold paralysis.
  • Experimental studies with mechanical replicas demonstrated that increased angular asymmetry (up to 25°) leads to a loss of contact between vocal folds, resulting in poorer sound quality and increased pressure needed for normal oscillation.
  • The findings align with clinical observations related to vocal fold positioning during phonation, and a formula is suggested to quantify the oscillation threshold based on angular asymmetry.
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Simulations of waveguide acoustics require a description of the boundary condition at the open end. For problems involving higher order transverse modes, it is often described by a multimodal radiation impedance matrix. Expressions for the computation of this matrix for an infinite flange condition are available only for circular and rectangular cross-sectional shapes.

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A sibilant fricative /s/ is generated when the turbulent jet in the narrow channel between the tongue blade and the hard palate is deflected downwards through the space between the upper and lower incisors and then impinges the space between the lower incisors and the lower lip. The flow eddies in that region become a source of direct aerodynamic sound, which is also diffracted by the speech articulators and radiated outwards. The numerical simulation of these phenomena is complex.

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For many years, the vocal tract shape has been approximated by one-dimensional (1D) area functions to study the production of voice. More recently, 3D approaches allow one to deal with the complex 3D vocal tract, although area-based 3D geometries of circular cross-section are still in use. However, little is known about the influence of performing such a simplification, and some alternatives may exist between these two extreme options.

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Three-dimensional (3-D) numerical approaches for voice production are currently being investigated and developed. Radiation losses produced when sound waves emanate from the mouth aperture are one of the key aspects to be modeled. When doing so, the lips are usually removed from the vocal tract geometry in order to impose a radiation impedance on a closed cross-section, which speeds up the numerical simulations compared to free-field radiation solutions.

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In this paper, a multimodal theory accounting for higher order acoustical propagation modes is presented as an extension to the classical plane wave theory. This theoretical development is validated against experiments on vocal tract replicas, obtained using a 3D printer and finite element simulations. Simplified vocal tract geometries of increasing complexity are used to investigate the influence of some geometrical parameters on the acoustical properties of the vocal tract.

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Sibilant fricative sound production depends on the geometric and flow properties of the production system. Nevertheless, few studies deal with the potential impact of flow properties other than the inlet volume flow rate on the noise produced. In this work, an experimental study is presented using a replica based on a reconstructed oral cavity for the phoneme /s/.

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Phonation models commonly rely on the assumption of a two-dimensional glottal geometry to assess kinetic and viscous flow losses. In this paper, the glottal cross-section shape is taken into account in the flow model in order to capture its influence on vocal folds oscillation. For the assessed cross-section shapes (rectangular, elliptical, or circular segment) the minimum pressure threshold enabling to sustain vocal folds oscillation is altered for constriction degrees smaller than 75%.

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Physical and mathematical phonation models commonly rely on a quasi-one-dimensional flow model. The assumption of quasi-one-dimensional flow through a glottis with fixed length is analyzed for different cross-section shapes: Circle, rectangle, ellipse, and circular segment. A simplified flow model is formulated which accounts for kinetic losses, viscosity, and cross-section shape.

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  • The paper investigates how vocal folds and the vocal tract interact at the beginning of sound production, focusing on how this interaction is affected by changes in vocal tract length.
  • Data from a mechanical model indicate that slight changes in the vocal tract length can lead to significant shifts in the pressure and frequency needed for sound oscillation.
  • A mathematical model is presented to explain these frequency shifts, revealing that they are caused by specific types of structural changes called saddle-node bifurcations, which can lead to sudden jumps in frequency based on the level of acoustic coupling and subglottal pressure.
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Flow through the vocal tract is studied through an in vitro rigid replica for different geometrical configurations and steady flow conditions with bulk Reynolds numbers Re<15,000. The vocal tract geometry is approximated by two consecutive obstacles, representing "tongue" and "tooth," in a rectangular channel of fixed length. For the upstream tongue obstacle with fixed constriction degree (81%) the streamwise position is varied and for the downstream obstacle the constriction degree is varied from 0% up to 96%.

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Physical modelling of phonation requires a mechanical description of the vocal fold coupled to a description of the flow within the glottis. In this study, an in-vitro set-up, allowing to reproduce flow conditions comparable to those of human glottal flow is used to systematically verify and discuss the relevance of the pressure and flow-rate predictions of several laminar flow models. The obtained results show that all the considered flow models underestimate the measured flow-rates and that flow-rates predicted with the one-dimensional model are most accurate.

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  • The study examines how a mucosal wave model of the vocal folds can effectively predict phonation threshold lung pressure.
  • The research uses equations derived from the model and compares them to experimental pressure data from a mechanical vocal fold replica.
  • Findings indicate that an updated model accounting for delay in the mucosal wave's movement offers improved predictions compared to the original model, while a simplified vocal tract model does not accurately reflect its influence on phonation threshold pressure.
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  • The study develops a numerical model to predict how airflow can cause collapse in the pharyngeal airway, validating it with lab measurements.
  • It employs theoretical simplifications to reduce computation time while keeping the model clinically relevant by reflecting geometrical and tissue asymmetries, especially under pathological conditions.
  • Results show that the model can accurately predict partial obstruction, with a high prediction accuracy of 4.2% error regarding the deformation in constriction areas.
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In physical modeling of phonation, the pressure drop along the glottal constriction is classically assessed with the glottal geometry and the subglottal pressure as known input parameters. Application of physical modeling to study phonation abnormalities and pathologies requires input parameters related to in vivo measurable quantities commonly corresponding to the physical model output parameters. Therefore, the current research presents the inversion of some popular simplified flow models in order to estimate the subglottal pressure, the glottal constriction area, or the separation coefficient inherent to the simplified flow modeling for steady and unsteady flow conditions.

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An experimental setup and human vocal folds replica able to produce self-sustained oscillations are presented. The aim of the setup is to assess the relevance and the accuracy of theoretical vocal folds models. The applied reduced mechanical models are a variation of the classical two-mass model, and a simplification inspired on the delayed mass model for which the coupling between the masses is expressed as a fixed time delay.

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Cough or cough epochs may be an important and persistent symptom in many respiratory diseases requiring both a continuous and objective observation. The research presented in this paper is aimed at assessing a blind data-based classification between 'spontaneous' and 'voluntary' human cough on individual sound samples. Cough sounds were registered in the free acoustic field on 3 pathological and 9 healthy non-smoking subjects, all aged between 20 and 30.

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