Publications by authors named "Anna Malysz Oyola"

The T-line hernia mesh is a synthetic, polypropylene mesh with mesh suture extensions designed to prevent anchor point failure by evenly distributing tension across the soft tissue. Previous studies have demonstrated the success of onlay ventral hernia repair with T-line hernia mesh, but retrorectus applications of the mesh have not yet been characterized. This technique article illustrates technical descriptions and clinical applications of the T-line hernia mesh in the retrorectus plane.

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Background: Surgical clips are commonly used during laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cystic duct and artery ligation. Titanium and polymer clips are the two most common types used for this indication. Given the cost-saving potential, design advantages, and decreased incidence of complications associated with polymer clips, we sought to study whether there is a clinically significant difference in outcome between polymer and titanium clips in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

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Introduction: Rectus diastases (RD) are caused by a weakening of the abdominal musculature and a widening of the linea alba. Some patients are often erroneously told that they are hernias. Despite the fact that they are not true hernias, they are often associated with true hernias and undergo concomitant repairs.

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Background: Umbilical and epigastric hernias are among the top three most common hernia surgeries performed in the USA with varied techniques. The European and Americas Hernia Societies (EAHS) recently published guidelines for repair of umbilical and epigastric hernias. We evaluated how closely the general surgeons of the Abdominal Core Health Quality Collaborative (ACHQC) follow these guidelines and to identify areas for possible improvement.

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