Publications by authors named "Anna Igual Munoz"

Sterilization is a prerequisite for biomedical devices before contacting the human body. It guarantees the lack of infection by eliminating microorganisms (i.e.

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In this study, we report results of the interaction of titanium (Ti) with human synovial fluids. A wide palette of electrochemical techniques was used, including open circuit potential, potentiodynamic methods, and electrochemical impedance. After the electrochemical testing, selected surfaces were analyzed using Auger Electron Spectroscopy to provide laterally resolved information on surface chemistry.

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Adsorption of calf serum organic matter from a phosphate-buffered solution was studied using the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance with additional dissipation measurements. Two types of crystal surfaces were used: one rough with micrometer-range surface features and one with roughness in the low nanometer range. The results showed that the adsorption of the organic material was about 1.

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Modular hip joint implants were introduced in arthroplasty medical procedures because they facilitate the tailoring of patients' anatomy, the use of different materials in one single configuration, as well as medical revision. However, in certain cases, such prostheses may undergo deterioration at the head-neck junctions with negative clinical consequences. Crevice-corrosion is commonly invoked as one of the degradation mechanisms acting at those junctions despite biomedical alloys such as Ti6Al4V and CoCr being considered generally resistant to this form of corrosion.

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Understanding the interactions between biomedical alloys and body fluids is of importance for the successful and safe performance of implanted devices. Albumin, as the first protein that comes in contact with an implant surface, can determine the biocompatibility of biomedical alloys. The interaction of albumin with biomedical alloys is a complex process influenced by numerous factors.

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Tribocorrosion behaviour of pure titanium in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) solution has been investigated systematically as a function of surface chemistry and bovine serum albumin (BSA) content in the solution. A ball-on-disk tribometer coupled with an electrochemical cell was used to study the effect of electrochemical conditions (i.e.

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An electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) was used to examine the electrochemical behaviour of pure titanium in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and PBS-containing bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions, and the associated adsorption characteristics of BSA under cathodic and anodic applied potentials. It was found that the electrochemical behaviours of bulk titanium substrate and titanium-coated QCM sensors are slightly different in PBS buffer solution, which is attributed to the difference in their surface roughness. The oxide film formed on the surface of the QCM sensor during potentiostatic tests was found to affect its electrochemical behaviour, while cathodic cleaning is not sufficient to have it removed.

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The aim of the present study is to analyze the electrochemical behavior of five different dental alloys: two cobalt-chromium alloys (CoCr and CoCr-c), one nickel-chromium-titanium alloy (NiCrTi), one gold-palladium alloy (Au), and one titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V), and the galvanic effect when they are coupled to titanium implants (TiG2). It was carried out by electrochemical techniques (open circuit measurements, potentiodynamic curves and Zero-Resistance Ammetry) in artificial saliva (AS), with and without fluorides in different acidic conditions. The studied alloys are spontaneously passivated, but NiCrTi alloy has a very narrow passive domain and losses its passivity in presence of fluorides, so is not considered as a good option for implant superstructures.

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Objective: For many decades the failure of titanium implants due to corrosion and wear were approached individually and their synergic effect was not considered. In recent past, developments and understanding of the tribocorrosion aspects have thrown deeper understanding on the failure of implants and this has been reviewed in this article extensively.

Methods: Medline, google scholar and Embase search was conducted to identify studies published between 1993 and 2016 which were related to the analysis of degradation mechanism which the dental implants undergo after implantation.

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The corrosion and tribocorrosion behavior of an as-cast high carbon CoCrMo alloy immersed in phosphate buffered solution (PBS) and phosphate buffered solution with bovine serum albumin (PBS+BSA) have been analyzed by electrochemical techniques and surface microscopy. After the electrochemical characterization of the alloy in both solutions, the sample was studied tribo-electrochemically (by open circuit potential, OCP measurements, potentiodynamic curves and potentiostatic tests) in a ball-on-disk tribometer rotating in different sliding velocities. The influence of solution chemistry, sliding velocity and applied potential on the corrosion and tribocorrosion behavior of the CoCrMo alloy has been studied.

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