Publications by authors named "Ann Marie Thomas"

Introduction: In a flipped classroom, students learn basic concepts before class, allowing them time during class to apply newly gained knowledge to problem sets and cases. Harvard Medical School (HMS) has introduced a form of flipped classroom, called case-based collaborative learning (CBCL), during preclinical curricula. Finding few published resources, the HMS Academy's Peer Observation of Teaching Interest Group developed a guide for observations and feedback to CBCL facilitators.

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We sought objectively to measure, summarize, and contextualize the asthma triggers found in the homes of urban high-risk Puerto Rican children and adolescents with asthma in Chicago. Data were from the baseline home assessments of Project CURA. Research assistants interviewed caregivers, conducted a home visual inspection, and collected saliva samples for cotinine analysis.

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The majority of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) have symptoms of spasticity that increasingly impair function as the disease progresses. With appropriate treatment, however, quality of life can be improved. Oral antispasticity medications are useful in managing mild spasticity but are frequently ineffective in controlling moderate to severe spasticity, because patients often cannot tolerate the adverse effects of increasing doses.

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