Purpose: To objectively quantify near-work gaze behaviors and the visual environment during reading tasks performed on a smartphone and on paper in both indoor and outdoor environments in myopes and emmetropes.
Methods: A novel wearable gaze and viewing distance tracking device was used to quantify near-work gaze behaviors (focusing demand) and the visual environment (20° peripheral scene relative defocus) during a series of reading tasks. Data from nine myopes (mean age, 21 ± 1.
Robotic surgery is increasing in prevalence, thanks to its potential benefits for patients (e.g., reduced blood loss) and surgeons (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control
December 2020
Knee arthroscopy is a complex minimally invasive surgery that can cause unintended injuries to femoral cartilage or postoperative complications, or both. Autonomous robotic systems using real-time volumetric ultrasound (US) imaging guidance hold potential for reducing significantly these issues and for improving patient outcomes. To enable the robotic system to navigate autonomously in the knee joint, the imaging system should provide the robot with a real-time comprehensive map of the surgical site.
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