Publications by authors named "Angus B"

Over-expression of the c-erbB-2 oncogene occurs in a proportion of human adenocarcinomas and in breast carcinoma is associated with poorer prognosis. Sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumour tissue from 22 patients with mammary and extramammary Paget's disease have been stained immunohistochemically using a monoclonal antibody (NCL-CB11) raised against a synthetic peptide from the C-terminal end of the predicted sequence of the c-erbB-2 protein product. All 12 cases of mammary Paget's disease showed membrane staining of intra-epidermal cells, indicating c-erbB-2 over-expression.

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The c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene encodes a 190 k Mr protein representing a putative growth factor receptor with considerable homology to the EGF receptor. Gene amplification and overexpression of the oncogene protein have been demonstrated in a variety of tumours including breast cancer, where it is associated with a poor prognosis. In this study we have produced and characterized a mouse monoclonal antibody, designated NCL-CB11, to the c-erbB-2 protein.

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Expression of the estrogen-regulated lysosomal protease, cathepsin D, was studied in a series of 94 breast cancers using an immunohistochemical technique. Granular staining of tumor cell cytoplasm was detected in 62 cases. Positive staining was associated with a significant increase in overall time to relapse and when survival was analyzed in terms of intensity of cathepsin D staining there was a significant trend for both increased time to relapse and increased length of survival.

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Breast growth and development is influenced by oestrogens and the growth of many breast cancers is driven by oestrogens, an effect which is utilised in the endocrine treatment of breast cancer. Oestrogens act by binding to the oestrogen receptor, a specific protein which in turn binds to specific regulatory regions of DNA, thereby altering gene expression. The effects of oestrogens may be mediated by growth factors and other substances under oestrogen regulation.

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Autoimmune ovarian failure is widely regarded as irreversible, although ovarian biopsy characteristically shows follicles surrounded by lymphocytes. Two previous reports of pregnancy in this condition both followed institution of steroid replacement therapy (Finer et al., 1985; Cowchock et al.

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Sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue from 185 primary breast carcinomas were stained immunohistochemically using a polyclonal antibody against the c-erbB-2 oncoprotein. Positive staining, which is known to correlate with gene amplification, was associated with earlier relapse, shorter postrelapse survival, and shorter overall survival. Lymph node, epidermal growth factor receptor, and estrogen receptor status, tumor size, and histological grade also had prognostic significance but, applying multivariate analysis, only lymph node status was a more important predictor of relapse-free and overall survival than staining for the oncoprotein.

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Sixty-three patients with relapsed advanced Hodgkin's disease were treated with lomustine (CCNU), vindesine and bleomycin (LVB). Age range was 17-72 years, with 38 males and 25 females. Thirty patients achieved complete remission (CR) with a median duration of 24+ months (range 3-55).

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We have used primary endocrine therapy for 61 elderly women with operable breast cancer (median age 77 years). Eleven patients (18%) had complete and 24 (39%) partial tumour regression, 12 (20%) had stable disease for a minimum of six months and 14 (23%) no response. Salvage surgery was undertaken in the 14 with no response and 8/9 with progressive disease following initial response, thus samples were available from relapse patients only.

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The total plasminogen activator (PA) activity and the activities of urokinase type (uPA) and tissue type (tPA) plasminogen activators were measured in 43 primary human breast cancer homogenates. The majority of the PA activity was found in the 100,000 X g crude membrane pellets (log mean of 490 milli-IU/mg of protein, +1169, -346), and little PA activity was present in the cytosolic supernatant (log mean of 19 milli-IU/mg of protein, +168, -17). The activities of total PA and of each type of PA were compared to the estrogen receptor (ER) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) status of the tumors and to their histological grade.

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The histological breakdown of a consecutive series of 264 surgically resected malignant lesions of the breast was studied. Oestrogen and epidermal growth factor receptor status was quantified and presented along with size and lymph node status of the non-ductal lesions. Those non-ductal tumours containing EGF receptors have all recurred within two years of resection.

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Proteins regulated by or related to the oestrogen receptor (ER) may prove to be more reliable indicators of prognosis and hormone sensitivity then expression of the receptor itself. It has been shown recently that expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is associated with a poor prognosis in breast cancer. In a series of 60 breast cancers, we have studied relationships between ER, ER-D5 oestrogen receptor related protein, P24 oestrogen regulated protein, and EGFR using an immunohistochemical technique employing monoclonal antibodies in each case.

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The expression of low molecular weight cytokeratins (normally expressed only in simple epithelia) in intraepithelial neoplasia of grade CIN III or greater in cervical biopsies has recently been described by Bobrow et al. Our study of 127 cases confirms this finding and in addition we compare the use of three monoclonal antibodies, namely NCL-5D3, CAM 5.2, and PKK1, in demonstrating the phenomenon.

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It has been proposed that intense immunohistochemical staining using the monoclonal antibody NCRC 11 is indicative of a better prognosis in breast cancer, and that expression of pregnancy specific glycoprotein (SP1) and epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR) are poor prognosis indicators. In order to evaluate the significance of staining for NCRC 11 to prognosis and to these other variables, we studied two series of breast cancer patients. In one series (n = 93), staining with NCRC 11 and for SP1 was correlated with prognosis: in neither case was there any overall relationship between staining and survival.

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Production of a new monoclonal antibody designated NCL-5D3 is described. The antibody recognizes several low molecular weight cytokeratins, in particular cytokeratin Moll number 8 as determined by immunoblotting studies, and is highly effective for immunocytochemistry using routinely processed paraffin-embedded material. Staining is enhanced by prior treatment of the sections with trypsin.

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Two mutations associated with antibiotic supersusceptibility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain Z61 were transferred separately into strain PAO222, using R68.45-mediated conjugation and phage F116L transduction. One mutation (absA) was 40% contransducible with pro-82 at 26 min on the P.

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The value of DNA hybridisation (using immunoglobulin and T cell receptor gene probes) was assessed during the diagnosis of problematical lymphoid tissue biopsy specimens. In 14 of 18 specimens (78%), which contained a malignant lymphoproliferation of uncertain aetiology, this technique permitted the demonstration of a monoclonal proliferation of B cells (nine cases) or T cells (five cases). In five further lymph node biopsy specimens, in which the differential diagnosis lay between a reactive or malignant process, a clonal proliferation was shown in three cases.

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The outer membrane of Spirochaeta aurantia was isolated after cells were extracted with sodium lauryl sarcosinate and was subsequently purified by differential centrifugation and KBr isopycnic gradient centrifugation. The purified outer membrane was obtained in the form of carotenoid-containing vesicles. Four protein species with apparent molecular weights of 26,000 (26K), 36.

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NCRC 11 is a monoclonal antibody raised against dissociated breast cancer cells. Using this antibody, it has been shown in an earlier study that staining of a high proportion of tumour cells is strongly associated with superior survival. Many investigators have found that positive tumour oestrogen receptor (OER) status is associated with better survival in breast cancer.

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Native oligomers of three Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane porin proteins and one Escherichia coli porin were demonstrated by using a chemical cross-linking technique. P. aeruginosa protein F, the major constitutive outer membrane porin, was cross-linked to dimers in outer membrane and whole-cell cross-linking experiments.

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Lipopolysaccharides extracted from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain K799 and its antibiotic-supersusceptible derivative Z61 were analyzed chemically and chromatographically. The side-chain polysaccharides purified by gel exclusion chromatography were compositionally identical, being composed of fucosamine (2-amino-2,6-dideoxygalactose), quinovosamine (2-amino-2,6-dideoxyglucose), and an unidentified amino sugar. In addition, low amounts of the core-specific components (glucose, rhamnose, alanine, and galactosamine) were found associated with the side chains from both strains.

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The Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutant Z61 has been shown to be highly supersusceptible to a wide range of antibiotics, including beta-lactams, aminoglycosides, rifampin, tetracycline, and chloramphenicol (W. Zimmerman, Int. J.

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A patient with a nasal neuroblastoma was found to have hypertension and severe hyponatraemia. Radiotherapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy were ineffective in reducing the size and vascularity of the neoplasm. Assay of tumor tissue post mortem revealed high levels of arginine vasopressin.

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