Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
June 2022
Biological functionality is often enabled by a fascinating variety of physical phenomena that emerge from orientational order of building blocks, a defining property of nematic liquid crystals that is also pervasive in nature. Out-of-equilibrium, "living" analogs of these technological materials are found in biological embodiments ranging from myelin sheath of neurons to extracellular matrices of bacterial biofilms and cuticles of beetles. However, physical underpinnings behind manifestations of orientational order in biological systems often remain unexplored.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDispersions of rodlike colloidal particles exhibit a plethora of liquid crystalline states, including nematic, smectic A, smectic B, and columnar phases. This phase behavior can be explained by presuming the predominance of hard-core volume exclusion between the particles. We show here how the self-organization of rodlike colloids can be controlled by introducing a weak and highly localized directional attractive interaction between one of the ends of the particles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTopological defects such as dislocations play a major role in science, from condensed matter and geophysics to cosmology. These line defects present in periodically ordered structures mediate phase transitions and determine many distinctive features of materials, from crystal growth to mechanical properties. However, despite theoretical predictions, the detailed structure of dislocations remains largely elusive.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on the construction of multiarm colloidal molecules by tip-linking filamentous bacteriophages, functionalized either by biological engineering or chemical conjugation. The affinity for streptavidin of a genetically modified vector phage displaying Strep-tags fused to one end of the viral particle is measured by determining the dissociation constant, K. In order to improve both the colloidal stability and the efficiency of the self-assembly process, a biotinylation protocol having a chemical yield higher than 90% is presented to regioselectively functionalize the cystein residues located at one end of the bacteriophages.
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