Publications by authors named "Andrew Tangwena"

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors of the article flagged that their article had gone to publishing with an error in the title.

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Background: Zimbabwe conducts Malaria Indicator Surveys after 3 years and Demographic and Health Surveys to track the impact of malaria interventions. The last one to be conducted was in 2016 and had set an aim aimed to collect data to track malaria indicators as well as to save as the baseline source for the Malaria Strategic Plan (2016-2020).

Methods: Malaria Indicator Survey-2016 utilized the frame of enumeration areas (EAs) from the Zimbabwe Master Sample (ZMS12) created after the 2012 population census for each of the survey districts.

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Background: An intensive effort to control malaria in Zimbabwe has produced dramatic reductions in the burden of the disease over the past 13 years. The successes have prompted the Zimbabwe's National Malaria Control Programme to commit to elimination of malaria. It is critical to analyse the changes in the morbidity trends based on surveillance data, and scrutinize reorientation to strategies for elimination.

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