Study Objectives: To determine how mid-afternoon naps of differing durations benefit memory encoding, vigilance, speed of processing (SOP), mood, and sleepiness; to evaluate if these benefits extend past 3 hr post-awakening and to examine how sleep macrostructure during naps modulate these benefits.
Methods: Following short habitual sleep, 32 young adults underwent four experimental conditions in randomized order: wake; naps of 10 min, 30 min, and 60 min duration verified with polysomnography. A 10-min test battery was delivered at a pre-nap baseline, and at 5 min, 30 min, 60 min, and 240 min post-nap.
Int J Environ Res Public Health
January 2023
Background: Shift work is known to increase the risk of cardiometabolic diseases and mortality. We investigate the relationship between shift work schedules and cardiometabolic risk factors (smoking, hypertension, and obesity) and their association with cardiometabolic diseases (diabetes and cardiovascular diseases) in a multi-ethnic population from Singapore.
Methods: 2469 participants from the Singapore-based Multi-Ethnic Cohort underwent physical and clinical assessments.
Purpose: To evaluate the benefits of applying an improved sleep detection and staging algorithm on minimally processed multi-sensor wearable data collected from older generation hardware.
Patients And Methods: 58 healthy, East Asian adults aged 23-69 years (M = 37.10, SD = 13.