Publications by authors named "Andrew M Vosko"

Bow hunter's syndrome (BHS) is a rare cause of vertebrobasilar insufficiency that occurs when the vertebral artery (VA) is occluded on rotation of the head and neck. This dynamic occlusion of the VA can occur anywhere along its course after it arises from the subclavian artery. Although most cases are associated with compression by osteophytes, cervical spondylosis, or lateral disc herniation, BHS has a highly variable clinical course that depends on the patient's specific anatomy.

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Objective: High levels of stress and fatigue are associated with decreased academic success, well-being, and quality of life. The objective of this research was to quantify levels of perceived stress and fatigue among chiropractic students to identify sources of and student coping mechanisms for perceived stress and fatigue and to identify the relationship between students' perceived stress and fatigue.

Methods: A survey comprised of the Perceived Stress Scale, the Undergraduate Sources of Stress Survey, and the Piper Fatigue Scale was administered to chiropractic students in their 2nd, 5th, and 8th trimesters of doctoral study.

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Compelling reasons to study the role of sex in the circadian system include the higher rates of sleep disorders in women than in men and evidence that sex steroids modulate circadian control of locomotor activity. To address the issue of sex differences in the circadian system, we examined daily and circadian rhythms in wheel-running activity, electrical activity within the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and PER2::LUC-driven bioluminescence of gonadally-intact adult male and female C57BL/6J mice. We observed greater precision of activity onset in 12-hour light, 12-hour dark cycle for male mice, longer activity duration in 24 hours of constant darkness for female mice, and phase-delayed PER2::LUC bioluminescence rhythm in female pituitary and liver.

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Previously, we have shown that mice deficient in either vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) or pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) exhibit specific deficits in the behavioral response of their circadian system to light. In this study, we investigated how the photic regulation of the molecular clock within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is altered by the loss of these closely-related peptides. During the subjective night, the magnitude of the light-induction of FOS and phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase (p-MAPK) immunoreactive cells within the SCN was significantly reduced in both VIP- and PACAP-deficient mice when compared with wild-type mice.

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The circadian system regulates the cyclical occurrence of wakefulness and sleep through a series of oscillatory networks that comprise two different theoretical processes. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus contains the master oscillatory network necessary for coordinating these daily rhythms, and in addition to its ability to robustly generate rhythms, it can also synchronize to environmental light cues. During jet lag, abrupt shifts in the environmental light-dark cycle temporarily desynchronize the SCN and downstream oscillatory networks from each other, resulting in increased sleepiness and impaired daytime functioning.

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In mammals, the precise circadian timing of many biological processes depends on the generation of oscillations in neural activity of pacemaker cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. Understanding the ionic mechanisms underlying these rhythms is an important goal of research in chronobiology. Previous work has shown that SCN neurons express A-type potassium currents (IAs), but little is known about the properties of this current in the SCN.

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Recent data suggest that both nocturnal and diurnal mammals generate circadian rhythms using similarly phased feedback loops involving Period genes in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus. These molecular oscillations also exist in the brain outside of the SCN, but the relationship between SCN and extra-SCN oscillations is unclear. We hypothesized that a comparison of "diurnal" and "nocturnal" central nervous system Per rhythms would uncover differences in the underlying circadian mechanisms between these two chronotypes.

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In mammals, the circadian oscillators that drive daily behavioral and endocrine rhythms are located in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). While the SCN is anatomically well-situated to receive and transmit temporal cues to the rest of the brain and periphery, there are many holes in our understanding of how this temporal regulation occurs. Unanswered questions include how cell autonomous circadian oscillations within the SCN remain synchronized to each other as well as communicate temporal information to downstream targets.

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