Publications by authors named "Andrew Jameton"

The Ethics of Environmentally Responsible Health Care (2004) argued that the obligation to protect nature must be a core principle of bioethics and that the environmental harm of health-care practices should be taken seriously. In the two decades since, the accelerating pace of climate change and environmental decline has strengthened the moral case for reducing the environmental costs of health care. Nevertheless, mainstream bioethics has until recently neglected these vital issues.

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Most physicians accept the general scientific discoveries about anthropogenic global warming and its dangers. Occasional denial by individual physicians of climate change can be readily answered by reference to the scientific consensus. But widespread, organized, political denial of climate change is hazardous to physicians' advocacy for an effective public health and health care response to climate change.

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The concept of moral distress was defined in 1984 as (a) the psychological distress of (b) being in a situation in which one is constrained from acting (c) on what one knows to be right. A substantial literature on the subject has developed, primarily in nursing ethics. The aforementioned elements of distress are applied here to areas of clinical and organizational significance: (a) distress from causing intimate pain during care of the dying, (b) constraints stemming from proximate and background challenges of health care organizations, and (c) changing perspectives on therapeutic technologies derived from global environmental perspectives.

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Objective: To compare sociodemographic and motivational factors for healthcare use and identify desirable health-promoting resources among groups in a low socioeconomic status (SES) community in Chicago, IL.

Background: Disparities in health services and outcomes are well established in low SES urban neighborhoods in the United States and many factors beyond service availability and quality impact community health. Yet there is no clear process for engaging communities in building resources to improve population-level health in such locales.

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The concept of moral distress can be extended from clinical settings to larger environmental concerns affecting health care. Moral distress-a common experience in complex societies-arises when individuals have clear moral judgments about societal practices, but have difficulty in finding a venue in which to express concerns. Since health care is large in scale and climate change is proving to be a major environmental problem, scaling down health care is inevitably a necessary element for mitigating climate change.

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The crisis of the rising cost of health care in the United States is stimulating major changes in the way care is being delivered. New models such as patient-centered medical homes and accountable care organizations are being developed with the expectation that health care professionals will address and improve the health of populations. Electronic health records and interprofessional teams will be critical to achieving the goal of better health.

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Global bioethics.

Camb Q Healthc Ethics

November 1994

Because there is a large agenda of work that needs to be done to help ethicists to be better able to address ethical questions in healthcare from an environmentally conscious and globally coherent point of view, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics is initiating this occasional column on global bioethics to provide a space to publish and discuss environmental issues in healthcare. We are initiating this section with a paper of my own outlining some broad concerns about healthcare ethics in a global context ["Casuist or Cassandra? Two conceptions of the bioethicist's role," p. 451-466] and are inviting readers to submit philosophical and multidisciplinary papers taking a global perspective on ethical issues in healthcare.

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