Publications by authors named "Andrew Gooley"

Serological surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) antibodies is important to monitor population COVID-19 immunity. Dried blood spots (DBS) are a valuable method for serosurveys, particularly in remote settings and in children. We compared the measurement of SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific IgG in paired blood samples collected using standard venepuncture (serum) and the hemaPEN microsampling DBS device from children and adults.

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Article Synopsis
  • Microsampling is a cost-effective and easy method for collecting blood samples that doesn't require specialized medical training.
  • Analysis of dried blood spots (DBS) provides a better understanding of how per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are present in the body.
  • A study found that filtered protein precipitation was the best technique for extracting PFAS, successfully identifying 72 out of 75 PFAS and paving the way for more extensive human biomonitoring studies.
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Due to their size, conventional high performance liquid chromatographs (HPLCs) are difficult to place close to a reaction vessel within a pharmaceutical manufacturing or development site. Typically, long transfer lines are required to move sample from the reactor to the HPLC for analysis and high solvent usage is required. However, herein a compact and modular separation system has been developed to enable co-location of an HPLC with a small-scale reactor for reaction monitoring in the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients.

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Liquid chromatography (LC) has broad applicability in the pharmaceutical industry, from the early stages of drug discovery to reaction monitoring and process control. However, small footprint, truly portable LC systems have not yet been demonstrated and fully evaluated practically for on-line, in-line or at-line pharmaceutical analysis. Herein, a portable, briefcase-sized capillary LC fitted with a miniature multi-deep UV-LED detector has been developed and interfaced with a portable mass spectrometer for on-site pharmaceutical analysis.

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Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are emerging environmental pollutants of global concern. For rapid field site evaluation, there are very few sensitive, field-deployable analytical techniques. In this work, a portable lightweight capillary liquid chromatography (capLC) system was coupled with a small footprint portable mass spectrometer and configured for field-based applications.

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Stand-alone electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) has been advancing through enhancements in throughput, selectivity and sensitivity of mass spectrometers. Unlike traditional MS techniques which usually require extensive offline sample preparation and chromatographic separation, many sample preparation techniques are now directly coupled with stand-alone MS to enable outstanding throughput for bioanalysis. In this review, we summarize the different sample clean-up and/or analyte enrichment strategies that can be directly coupled with ESI-MS and nano-ESI-MS for the analysis of biological fluids.

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A new miniature deep UV absorbance detector has been developed using low-cost and high-performance LEDs, which can be operated in both scanning (230 to 300 nm) and individual wavelength (240, 255, and 275 nm) detection modes. The detector is mostly composed of off-the-shelf components, such as LEDs, trifurcated fiber optic assembly, a capillary Z-type flow cell, and photodiodes. It has been characterized for use with a standard capillary LC system and was benchmarked against a standard variable wavelength capillary LC detector.

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A new miniaturised capillary flow-through deep-UV absorbance detector has been developed using a microscale surface mounted device- type light-emitting diode (LED) (Crystal IS OPTAN 3535-series), emitting at 235 nm and with a half-height band width of 12 nm, and a high-sensitivity Z-shaped flow-cell. Compared with a previously reported TO-39 ball lens LEDs emitting at 235 nm, the new generation LED produced a 20-fold higher optical output and delivered up to 35 times increase in external quantum efficiency (EQE). The Z-cell was based on a reflective rectangular optical path with cross-sectional dimensions of 100 × 100 µm and a physical optical pathlength of 1.

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Here, an electrokinetic extraction (EkE) syringe is presented allowing for on-line electrokinetic removal of serum proteins before ESI-MS. The proposed concept is demonstrated by the determination of pharmaceuticals from human serum within minutes, with sample preparation limited to a 5× dilution of the sample in the background electrolyte (BGE) and application of voltage, both of which can be performed in-syringe. Signal enhancements of 3.

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This work demonstrates the development of a compact, modular, cost-effective separation system configured to address a specific separation problem. The principles of the separation are based on gradient capillary liquid chromatography where the system consists of precision stepper motor-driven portable syringe pumps with interchangeable glass syringes (100 µL to 1000 µL). Excellent flow-rate precision of < 1% RSD was achieved with typical flow-rates ranging from 1 µL/min to 100 µL/min, which was ideal for capillary columns.

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The development and application of non-porous and porous sorptive rods, comprised of polydimethylsiloxane-microdiamond (PDMS-MD) composites, is reported. The PDMS-MD composites were made porous using inorganic salt (NaCl and NaHCO) particles as dissolvable templates. Materials with pore size of ~40 µm down to ~5 µm were produced.

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A 25 μL analytical glass syringe has been used for isoelectric focusing (IEF) utilizing the stainless-steel needle and plunger as electrodes. The generation of protons and hydroxyl ions at the electrodes facilitated a neutralization reaction boundary (NRB) mechanism to focus different amphoteric compounds, such as hemoglobin, bovine serum albumin, R-phycoerythrin, and histidine, within minutes. After optimization of different experimental parameters affecting the IEF process and the coupling of the IEF syringe with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), a BGE composed of NHAc, 1.

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The authors would like to call the reader's attention to the following: The instrument they used to measure the volumetric precision of the dispensing devices is not called "VMS" but "PCS®".

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An accurate and precise 3 μL blood collection and dispensing system is presented for the preparation of dried blood spot (DBS) samples. Using end-to-end glass capillaries in conjugation with pre-punched DBS pads, a blood micro collection system was developed to eliminate the haematocrit dispersion, widely associated with DBS technology, while providing better levels of accuracy and precision during sample preparation. This methodology is compared to traditional micro-volume blood collection systems, such as a pipette and a digitally controlled analytical syringe.

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Capillary action is one mechanism microfluidics uses to draw liquid autonomously in a substrate without the need of external energy. This behavior can be exploited to collect accurate volumes of liquids such as blood in narrow columns known as capillary tubes and help the development of inexpensive, user-friendly personalized biomedical tools. Precision bore glass capillaries demonstrate the "state of the art" for volume accuracy and precision, but height and radius must be carefully chosen in order to exploit the capillary action behavior efficiently.

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Non-specific protein adsorption on hydrophobic solid phase extraction (SPE) adsorbents can reduce the efficacy of purification. To improve sample clean-up, poly(divinyl benzene) (PDVB) monoliths grafted with hydrophilic polyethylene glycol methacrylate (PEGMA) were developed. Residual vinyl groups (RVGs) of the PDVB were employed as anchor points for PEGMA grafting.

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While polymer monoliths are widely described for solid phase extraction (SPE), appropriate characterization is rarely provided to unravel the links between physical characteristics and observed advantages and disadvantages. Two known approaches to fabricate large surface area polymer monoliths with a bimodal pore structure were investigated. The first incorporated a high percentage of divinyl benzene (PDVB) and the second explored hypercrosslinking of pre-formed monoliths.

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Using a strongly polar cyanopropyl capillary column we have investigated the gas chromatography (GC) separation behaviors of 24 octadecadienoic acid methyl ester (18:2ME) isomers compared against saturated methyl stearate (18:0ME) and arachidic acid methyl ester (20:0ME), and the dependency on the GC column temperature. The 24 isomers were obtained by performing cis-to trans-isomerization of six regioisomers: five of the 18:2ME isomers were prepared by the partial reduction of methyl α-linolenate and methyl γ-linolenate C18 trienoic acids with different double bond positions, whereas the sixth isomer, 18:2ME (c5, c9), was obtained from a raw constituent fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) sample extracted from Japanese yew seeds. There are no reference standards commercially available for 18:2ME isomers, and in elucidating the elution order of these isomers this study should help the future identification of cis- and trans-type of 18:2ME.

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This is the story of the experience of a multidisciplinary group at Macquarie University in Sydney as we participated in, and impacted upon, major currents that washed through protein science as the field of Proteomics emerged. The large scale analysis of proteins became possible. This is not a history of the field.

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Microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) has been directly hyphenated with ESI-MS for the rapid screening of opiates and codeine metabolites in urine. This study introduces a novel format of MEPS that incorporates a two-way valve in the barrel of the syringe enabling the direction of liquid flow to be manipulated. Controlled directional flow (CDF) MEPS allows sharp, concentrated sample bands to be delivered directly to the MS in small volumes and effectively eliminates the need to optimize elution.

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Presopore-specific antigen (PsA) is a cell surface glycoprotein of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoidum implicated in cell adhesion. The (15)N, (13)C and (1)H chemical shift assignments of PsA were determined from multidimensional, multinuclear NMR experiments. Resonance assignments have been made for both the N-terminal globular domain and its attached O-glycosylated PTVT linker motif.

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Comparative evolutionary analyses of gene families among divergent lineages can provide information on the order and timing of major gene duplication events and evolution of gene function. Here we investigate the evolutionary history of the alpha-globin gene family in mammals by isolating and characterizing alpha-like globin genes from an Australian marsupial, the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses indicate that the tammar alpha-globin family consists of at least four genes including a single adult-expressed gene (alpha), two embryonic/neonatally expressed genes (zeta and zeta'), and theta-globin, each orthologous to the respective alpha-, zeta-, and theta-globin genes of eutherian mammals.

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The structure, function, and evolutionary history of globin genes have been the subject of extensive investigation over a period of more than 40 years, yet new globin genes with highly specialized functions are still being discovered and much remains uncertain about their evolutionary history. Here we investigate the molecular evolution of the beta-globin gene family in a marsupial species, the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii. We report the complete DNA sequences of two beta-like globin genes and show by phylogenetic analyses that one of these genes is orthologous to embryonically expressed epsilon-globin genes of marsupials and eutherians and the other is orthologous to adult expressed beta-globin genes of marsupials and eutherians.

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Abundant and hydrophilic nonmembrane proteins with isoelectric points below pH 8 are the predominant proteins identified in most proteomics projects. In yeast, however, low-abundance proteins make up 80% of the predicted proteome, approximately 50% have pl's above pH 8 and 30% of the yeast ORFs are predicted to encode membrane proteins with at least 1 trans-membrane span. By applying highly solubilizing reagents and isoelectric fractionation to a membrane fraction of yeast we have a purified and identified 780 protein isoforms, representing 323 gene products, including 28% low abundance proteins and 49% membrane or membrane associated proteins.

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We describe a chemical printer that uses piezoelectric pulsing for rapid, accurate, and non-contact microdispensing of fluid for proteomic analysis of immobilized protein macroarrays. We demonstrate protein digestion and peptide mass fingerprinting analysis of human plasma and platelet proteins direct from a membrane surface subsequent to defined microdispensing of trypsin and matrix solutions, hence bypassing multiple liquid-handling steps. Detection of low abundance, alkaline proteins from whole human platelet extracts has been highlighted.

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