Publications by authors named "Andres G Gomez"

Background And Purpose: Planning on a static dataset that reflects the simulation day anatomy is routine for SBRT. We hypothesize the quality of on-table adaptive plans is similar to the baseline plan when delivering stereotactic MR-guided adaptive radiotherapy (SMART) for pancreatic cancer (PCa).

Materials And Methods: Sixty-seven inoperable PCa patients were prescribed 50 Gy/5-fraction SMART.

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This study aims to assess whether participation as a supportive volunteer in equestrian therapy (ET) sessions influences participants' physiological health-related parameters, including physical activity and sleep. Physical activity, measured in steps, and hours of sleep were measured in 10 subjects who participated regularly as volunteers in ET sessions using a triaxial accelerometer which continuously recorded their activity for 30 days. On the one hand, the subjects showed higher physical activity levels on days when they volunteered in ET sessions versus the days they did not.

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Introduction: Stereotactic MR-guided online adaptive radiation therapy (SMART) has demonstrated a superior radiotherapeutic ratio for pancreatic patients, by enabling dose escalation while minimizing the dose to the proximal gastrointestinal organs at risk through online adaptive radiotherapy. The safe delivery of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is of particular importance in the reirradiation setting and has been historically limited to CT-based nonadaptive modalities. Herein, we report the first use of online adaptive radiotherapy in the reirradiation setting, specifically for treatment of locally recurrent pancreatic adenocarcinoma through SMART reirradiation (SMART reRT).

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A simplified two-dimensional eutrophication model was developed to simulate temporal and spatial variations of chlorophyll-a in heavily regulated coastal lagoons. This model considers the hydrodynamics of the whole study area, the regulated connexion of the lagoon with the sea, the variability of the input and output nutrient loads, the flux from the sediments to the water column, the phytoplankton growth and mortality kinetics, and the zooplankton grazing. The model was calibrated and validated by applying it to the Albufera of Valencia, a hypertrophic system whose connection to the sea is strongly regulated by a system of sluice-gates.

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