Publications by authors named "Andreev R"

The hexagonal perovskite Ba5In2Al2ZrO13 and In3+-doped phase Ba5In2.1Al2Zr0.9O12.

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While there is a body of experimental data concerning dimers formed by an aromatic molecule and its radical cation, information on the corresponding dimer radical anions (DRAs) is scarce. In this work, evidence for the formation of the DRAs of decafluorobiphenyl and 4-aminononafluorobiphenyl has been obtained by the optically detected electron paramagnetic resonance and the time-resolved magnetic field effect techniques. Theoretical investigation (DFT B3LYP-D3/6-31+G*) of these DRAs and the DRAs of octafluoronaphtalene and 1,2,4,5-tetrafluorobenzene previously detected by Werst has been undertaken to gain greater insight into the structure of the polyfluoroarene DRAs.

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Aim: To study the prevalence and structure of postoperative cerebral dysfunction depending on the type and position of the implanted prosthetic heart valve in patients who underwent surgery for the acquired heart valve disease.

Material And Methods: The study included 115 patients (70 men and 45 women; 64 [56; 72] years old), who underwent elective replacement or repair surgery for the acquired heart valve disease.

Results And Conclusion: The postoperative cerebral dysfunction was diagnosed in 40.

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Aim: To study risk factors, characteristics of clinical symptoms and diagnosis, and possibilities of prevention of perioperative stroke and other clinical types of cerebral dysfunction in main types of heart valve surgery.

Material And Methods: The study included 83 patients, aged 63 (54; 70) years, undergoing heart valve surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.

Results: Postoperative cerebral dysfunction was diagnosed in 37.

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Nowadays, there are two complementary approaches to treatment of patients with ischemic stroke: reperfusion and neuroprotection. The main purpose of neuroprotection is to intervene ischemic cascade at every stage of the pathological process and thus avoid the death of nerve cells and expand the therapeutic window for reperfusion therapy. The use of drugs with neurotrophic, antioxidant and neuroregenerative effects is pathogenically explained at all stages of post stroke rehabilitation.

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Aim: To study the structure, risk factors and methods of prevention of postoperative brain dysfunction on the example of coronary artery bypass surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.

Material And Methods: The study included 77 patients who undergone elective coronary artery bypass surgery at the beating heart (22 patients) or with cardiopulmonary bypass (55 patients, including 24 patients, who received cerebroprotective treatment with cytoflavin in the preoperative period). All patients underwent dynamic (pre- and postoperative) neurological, neuropsychological, instrumental examinations.

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We studied the polymorphism of uncoupling protein genes (families UCPI, 2 and 3) and FTO gene in football players and compared the results with the data obtained in non-sportsmen. All these genes encode the proteins that take part in the regulation of body weight. However, we observed an increased percentage of the carriers of "sparing" allele of the UCP3 gene; the allele frequency of other studied genes showed the same tendency.

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We consider the simultaneous estimation of an optical flow field and an illumination source term in a movie sequence. The particular optical flow equation is obtained by assuming that the image intensity is a conserved quantity up to possible sources and sinks which represent varying illumination. We formulate this problem as an energy minimization problem and propose a space-time simultaneous discretization for the optimality system in saddle-point form.

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Research is devoted to the comparative analysis of results of cold adaptation and physical training. The adaptive shifts occurring in an organism under the influence of a hardening (douche by a cold shower 2 times a day 2 minutes long within 6 weeks) and running training on the treadmill (30 minutes at 70-80% of individual VO2max, 3 times a week, within 6 weeks) were compared at 6 the same subjects. The interval between the two cycles of training was no less than 3 months.

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An attempt was made to test the hypothesis that regular physical activity at the anaerobic threshold is able to stimulate an increase in the amount of body fat brown or beige, which can manifest itself in increasing lactate utilization during exercise and increase the reactivity in response to acute regional cooling. The methods used are: ramp test, regional acute cold exposure, measurement of gas exchange, lactate and glucose in the blood, heart rate, and heart rate variability, blood pressure and respiration variability at rest and during standard functional tests; infrared thermal imaging, statistical methods of results analysis. Workout 10 physically active volunteers (7 males and 3 females) on a treadmill at a speed corresponding to 75-80% of the persona VO2max for 30 minutes 3 times per week at a fixed ambient temperature 21-22°C for 6 weeks resulted in a significant (from 19 to 39%) increase in test work duration but VO2max on average changed little.

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Changes in nerve conduction after 10-min electroneurostimulation of the posterior surface of the neck were studied. Changes in the parameters of laser-induced potentials obtained during stimulation of C7 dermatome on hands and posterior surface of the neck were found. Decrease in the amplitude and shortening of the component latency were shown.

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In this review it is considered up-to date researches of different forms of non-shivering thermogenesis that related to thermoregulatory and substrate homeostasis. Term "homeostatic non-shivering thermogenesis (HNST)" is proposed for explanation of facultative heat production stimulated by cold exposure, food intake and accumulation of lactate during intensive muscle load. There are common and different features of physiological activity displayed in three HNST types.

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In study with participation of 53 healthy men volunteers and infra-red thermograph application we obtained data confirming thermal portrait (i.e. skin temperature distribution in muscle rest conditions with minimal thermoregulatory activation) interrelations with maximal aerobic capacity (r = +0.

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Aim: To study mechanisms of cardiovascular damage in leprospirosis convalescents.

Materials And Methods: Cardiovascular system was investigated in 121 leptospirosis convalescents at the age 17-58 years clinically, electrocardiographically and measuring troponin-T in blood serum.

Results: 6-12 months after leptospirosis 42.

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