Importance: The Participation and Environment Measure Plus (PEM+) is a new electronic health application to help caregivers contribute to client-centered and participation-focused care planning for their young child. The PEM+ is designed to help caregivers build on their participation assessment by determining priority activities, setting specific goals, and identifying strategies for goal attainment.
Objective: To examine the usability of the PEM+.
Objectives: The primary objectives are to assess the most common type of caregiver strategy (remedial vs compensatory) reported for supporting their child's home participation after critical illness and identify themes in compensatory strategies described, with a secondary objective to describe themes in strategy use as reported by caregivers of children who did and did not receive pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) rehabilitation services.
Design: Qualitative substudy of the Wee-Cover prospective cohort study.
Setting: Two PICU sites.