Publications by authors named "Andrea C Hued"

Age and growth patterns of fish provide important information about the effects of environmental disturbances, which can be used as comparative tools in subsequent studies that attempt to assess freshwater quality. The main goal of our study was to provide information on relevant biological aspects of a native fish species used as a bioindicator in an extensive area of South America. In particular, we evaluated the age and growth patterns of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Poeciliidae) to establish reference species values and to compare them in different sites along an environmental quality gradient in a South American freshwater system.

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Glyphosate is the most widely utilized herbicide worldwide due to its effectiveness in controlling agricultural weeds. However, its persistence in aquatic ecosystems has raised concerns about the well-being of non-target organisms such as fish. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of chronic exposure (21 days) to glyphosate or its formulated product Roundup Transorb R®, at an environmentally relevant concentration permitted by regulations in certain countries (65 μg/L of glyphosate), on the locomotor activity and reproductive success of the fish Jenynsia lineata, as well as on the morphology/development and locomotor activity of its offspring, as intergenerational effects.

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The biodiversity of Neotropical region is affected by anthropogenic disturbance. Throughout Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, the native fish, Cnesterodon decemmaculatus, is well distributed and widely used as an excellent bioindicator of environmental quality. We investigated the diversity and genetic structure of its populations along a water pollution gradient to answer the following questions: 1- Does the genetic diversity decrease under the stressful conditions of a severe water quality gradient? and 2- Is there any relationship between the haplotypes registered along the studied basin and those recorded in other distant basins? Two mitochondrial DNA markers, Cytochrome b and D-loop, were analyzed and four haplotypes were registered for both markers along the basin.

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Pesticide mixtures are frequent in freshwaters systems around the world, threatening the biota exposed to these conditions. The aim of this study was to determine the single and joint effect of two widely used pesticides in southern South America on a widely distributed fish species. In a 96-h assay, individuals of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus were exposed to 0.

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Worldwide freshwater bodies that cross agricultural or urban areas are exposed to mixtures of xenobiotics. In particular, pesticides are usually part of these mixtures and could come into direct or indirect contact with biota and therefore, organisms have to cope with this altered scenario and the detrimental effects of these substances. Commercial formulations of chlorpyrifos and glyphosate, and their mixtures were evaluated using a set of biomarkers in the native fish C.

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Aquatic organisms are exposed to a myriad of chemical compounds, with particular concerns focused on endocrine disruptors. Growing scientific evidence indicates that these compounds interfere with normal endocrine function and could affect the reproductive system of humans and wildlife. We analyzed the proportion of masculinized females, defined by elongation and fusion of the anal fin rays, and the extent of masculinization, masculinization index, defined by anal fin length divided by the standard length, of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus resident to areas of agricultural and urban-industrial activities in the Arroyo Colorado basin.

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The Suquía River basin (Córdoba, Argentina) is under a strong negative impact due to multiple sources of anthropic pollution. The main goal of our study was to evaluate if variations in the water quality of Suquía river basin affect the reproductive biology of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus and determine if the responses provided by the species can be considered as biomarkers of river quality. This assessment was performed through the measurement of morphological, histological and somatic parameters in adult males collected at four sampling sites during the beginning and the end of the breeding season.

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The increase of cultivated areas together with the intensive use of pesticides have greatly contributed to impair the quality of aquatic systems along different areas of South America. The main goal of the present study was to assess the effects of a commercial formulation of chlorpyrifos at environmentally relevant concentrations on two native fish species, Cheirodon interruptus and Cnesterodon decemmaculatus. Adult individuals were exposed during 48 h to the following concentrations: 0.

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Several sperm parameters have been employed as useful tools to evaluate fish fertility. Within teleosts, approximately 3% of fish species are known to be viviparous. The Order Cyprinodontiformes includes several species with internal fertilization, and within this group most of the studies about sperm quality have been mainly focused on the Poeciliidae family.

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The potential threat to animal reproduction by contaminated freshwater systems posed the necessity to identify and develop bioindicators and biomarkers to be used for screening and evaluation of the effects in organisms. The main goal of this work was to determine, through histological analyses and changes in gonopodium morphology, whether a freshwater system polluted by anthropogenic activities-sewage, agricultural, and industrial-could cause alterations at the organ level. We also propose the live-bearing fish, Jenynsia multidentata, as a species suitable to study the effects of contaminated aquatic environments.

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The Suquía River middle-lower basin (Córdoba, Argentina) is subject to a strong anthropogenic impact because it receives pollutants from different sources. Recent studies have shown the importance and the need of approaching the monitoring process of water quality from integral perspectives through the use of chemical as well as biological methods. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the fish species Jenynsia multidentata as a bioindicator of environmental pollution in the middle-lower basin of the Suquía River using biotransformation and antioxidant enzymes as well as gill and liver histopathology as biomarkers.

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Growing evidence shows that environmental estrogen can reach levels that are high enough to exert adverse reproductive effects on wild fish populations. The authors report different parameters of male reproductive behavior, brain, and gonadal aromatase expression, as well as sperm quality in an internally fertilizing fish species (Jenynsia multidentata, Jenyns) exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E(2) ). Adult males were exposed to 0, 50, 100, and 250 ng/L E(2) over 28 d.

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Roundup is the most popular commercial glyphosate formulation applied in the cultivation of genetically modified glyphosate-resistant crops. The aim of this study was to evaluate the histological lesions of the neotropical native fish, Jenynsia multidentata, in response to acute and subchronic exposure to Roundup and to determine if subchronic exposure to the herbicide causes changes in male sexual activity of individuals exposed to a sublethal concentration (0.5 mg/l) for 7 and 28 days.

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