Publications by authors named "Anderson Da Cunha"

Sickle cell anemia (SCA) presents a complex interplay of factors, with the production of high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the chronic inflammatory process leading to chronic oxidative stress. In this context, efficient action of antioxidant systems becomes crucial, with particular emphasis on peroxiredoxins (PRDXs) due to their abundance and vital roles. Our primary objective was to establish associations between gene and protein expression of PRDXs 1, 2, and 6, as well as their reducers TRX1, TRXR1, and SRX1, with the characteristic hyperoxidative status observed in SCA patients.

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Objective: To determine whether methadone administration affects leukocyte phagocytic function, oxidative burst, and cytokine production and if immune function is associated with plasma methadone concentrations in dogs.

Methods: This was a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, nonblinded crossover study. Ten client-owned healthy dogs were included in the study.

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is an important opportunistic pathogen with the potential to develop resistance against last-line antibiotics, such as carbapenems, limiting the treatment options. Here, we investigated the antibiotic resistance profiles of 10 strains isolated from patient samples in the intensive-care unit of a Brazilian tertiary hospital using conventional PCR and a comprehensive genomic characterization of a specific strain (CRK317) carrying both the and genes simultaneously. All isolates were completely resistant to β-lactam antibiotics, including ertapenem, imipenem, and meropenem with differencing levels of resistance to aminoglycosides, quinolones, and tigecycline also observed.

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The red blood cells (RBCs) are essential to transport oxygen (O) and nutrients throughout the human body. Changes in the structure or functioning of the erythrocytes can lead to several deficiencies, such as hemolytic anemias, in which an increase in reactive oxidative species generation is involved in the pathophysiological process, playing a significant role in the severity of several clinical manifestations. There are important lines of defense against the damage caused by oxidizing molecules.

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Citrus canker, caused by the bacterium (Xcc), is one of the most devastating diseases for the citrus industry. Xylose is a constituent of the cell wall of plants, and the ability of Xcc to use this carbohydrate may play a role in virulence. Xcc has two genes codifying for xylose isomerase (XI), a bifunctional enzyme that interconverts D-xylose into D-xylulose and D-glucose into D-fructose.

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Objective: In people, the dose of propofol (DOP) required for procedural sedation and anesthesia decreases significantly with age. The objective of this study was to determine if the DOP required to perform endotracheal intubation decreases with age in dogs.

Study Design: Retrospective case series.

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Background: Swine production expanded in the last decades. Efforts have been made to improve meat production and to understand its relationship to pig gut microbiota. Copper (Cu) is a usual supplement to growth performance in animal production.

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The early innate immune response to coccidioidomycosis has proven to be pivotal in directing the adaptive immune response and disease outcome in mice and humans but is unexplored in dogs. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the innate immune profile of dogs with coccidioidomycosis and determine if differences exist based on the extent of infection (i.e.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The study investigated how ergothioneine (ERT) affects red blood cell adaptation by analyzing gene expression in specific signaling pathways during erythroid differentiation and oxidative stress using K562 cells.
  • - Two concentrations of ERT (1 nM and 100 µM) were tested with and without oxidative stress, revealing that lower concentration ERT significantly enhanced several protective gene expressions at different stages of cell differentiation.
  • - The findings suggest that ERT has a cytoprotective role mainly through the Nrf2-ARE pathway and potentially aids in red blood cell proliferation and differentiation via the FoxO3 pathway.
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  • * The study analyzed how MEL affects specific signaling pathways in K562 erythroleukemic cells when subjected to OS induced by hydrogen peroxide, by evaluating cell viability and gene expression.
  • * Results showed that MEL can restore Nrf2 levels and that different concentrations of MEL had distinct impacts on gene expression related to antioxidants and apoptosis, highlighting its potential as a therapeutic approach for diseases linked to oxidative stress.
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Background: Albuterol by inhalation (IH) is a common treatment for hyperkalemia in humans but its effect on blood potassium concentrations in dogs is unknown.

Objective: Determine whether albuterol (IH) decreases blood potassium concentrations in healthy normokalemic dogs and if effects are dose-dependent.

Animals: Ten healthy dogs.

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Chryseobacterium indologenes is a non-glucose-fermenting Gram-negative bacillus. This emerging multidrug resistant opportunistic nosocomial pathogen can cause severe infections in neonates and immunocompromised patients. This study aimed to present the first detailed draft genome sequence of a multidrug-resistant strain isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of an infant hospitalized at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Brazilian Tertiary Hospital.

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Background & Aims: Several studies have shown conflicting results for the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 outcomes. Here, we aimed to evaluate whether plasma 25(OH)D levels predict mortality in adults admitted with COVID-19, considering potential confounders.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study that included 115 adults (age 62.

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Objective: To compare blind and endoscopic-guided techniques for orotracheal intubation in rabbits and the number of intubation attempts with laryngeal/tracheal damage.

Study Design: Prospective, randomized experimental study.

Animals: A total of 24 healthy, intact female New Zealand White rabbits, weighing 2.

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is now an important opportunistic pathogen that can cause serious infections in hospitalized or immunocompromised patients. Here, we used extensive bioinformatic analyses based on reverse vaccinology and subtractive proteomics-based approach to predict potential vaccine candidates against . We analyzed the complete proteome sequence of 49 isolate of and identified 5 that were conserved proteins, non-homologous from human and gut flora, extracellular or exported to the outer membrane, and antigenic.

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The fermented beverage industry is always pursuing alternatives to make products that delight consumers with special or unique characteristics. The identification and improvement of new yeast strains emerge as an opportunity; however, wild strains usually have a limitation in maltose fermentation and/or off-flavors production. Here we report the production of a Blond-style ale beer using a bioethanol isolated strain (LBGA-287) with flavor complexity approved in sensorial panels.

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Local anesthetics provide analgesia and can be incorporated into multimodal anesthetic protocols. They work by blocking the voltage-dependent sodium ion channels along neurons that mediate nociception. Systemically, these drugs can be cardiotoxic in a dose-dependent manner.

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Objective: To determine the dose of alfaxalone for IM administration combined with dexmedetomidine and hydromorphone that would allow endoscopic-guided orotracheal intubation in rabbits without causing a decrease in respiratory rate or apnea.

Animals: 15 sexually intact (9 females and 6 males) healthy Miniature Lop rabbits weighing a mean ± SD of 2.3 ± 0.

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The deleterious effects of human-induced climate change have long been predicted. However, the imminent emergence and spread of new diseases, including fungal infections through the rise of thermotolerant strains, is still neglected, despite being a potential consequence of global warming. Thermotolerance is a remarkable virulence attribute of the mold .

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Objectives: In this randomized open-label trial pilot study we assessed the antiviral effects and safety of various doses of ivermectin in patients with mild clinical symptoms of COVID-19.

Methods: Patients were randomly assigned to receive standard of care (SOC) treatment at hospital admission; SOC plus ivermectin 100 mcg/kg; SOC plus ivermectin 200 mcg/kg; or SOC plus ivermectin 400 mcg/kg. The primary assessed endpoint was the proportion of patients who achieved two consecutive negative SARS-CoV-2 RT PCR tests within 7 days of the start of the dosing period.

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Aspergillus fumigatus produces diverse secondary metabolites whose biological functions and regulation remain to be understood. Despite the importance of the conidia for this fungus, the role of the conidia-born metabolite fumiquinazoline C (FqC) is unclear. Here, we describe a dual function of the cell-wall integrity pathway in regulating FqC biosynthesis dictated by the MAPK kinase MpkA, which phosphorylates one of the nonribosomal peptide synthetases enzymes of the cluster (FmqC), and the transcription factor RlmA, which directly regulates the expression of fmq genes.

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Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the main cause of dementia and it is a progressive neurogenerative disease characterized by the accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. There is currently no cure; however, some treatments are available to slow down the progression of the disease, including gene therapy, which has been investigated to have great potential for the treatment of AD.

Objective: The aim of this review was to identify the efficacy of gene therapy to restore cognition in AD.

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Microbial communities infiltrate the respiratory tract of cystic fibrosis patients, where chronic colonization and infection lead to clinical decline. This report aims to provide an overview of the diversity of bacterial and fungal species from the airway secretion of three young CF patients with severe pulmonary disease. The bacterial and fungal microbiomes were investigated by culture isolation, metataxonomics, and metagenomics shotgun.

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