Publications by authors named "Anatoliy A Gashev"

The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased over the years in the United States and contributed to a rise in metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Animal studies suggested the role of histamine blockade on mesenteric lymphatics tone, contributing to weight gain and hepatic steatosis. This study aimed to investigate an association between antihistamines (AH) use in children and obesity.

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Mast cells (MCs) are abundant in almost all vascularized tissues. Furthermore, their anatomical proximity to lymphatic vessels and their ability to synthesize, store and release a large array of inflammatory and vasoactive mediators emphasize their significance in the regulation of the lymphatic vascular functions. As a major secretory cell of the innate immune system, MCs maintain their steady-state granule release under normal physiological conditions; however, the inflammatory response potentiates their ability to synthesize and secrete these mediators.

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Lymphatic vessels play a critical role in mounting a proper immune response by trafficking peripheral immune cells to draining lymph nodes. Mast cells (MCs) are well known for their roles in type I hypersensitivity reactions, but little is known about their secretory regulation in the lymphatic niche. MCs, as innate sensor and effector cells, reside close to mesenteric lymphatic vessels (MLVs), and their activation and ability to release histamine influences the lymphatic microenvironment in a histamine-NF-κB-dependent manner.

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Unlike the blood, the interstitial fluid and the deriving lymph are directly bathing the cellular layer of each organ. As such, composition analysis of the lymphatic fluid can provide more precise biochemical and cellular information on an organ's health and be a valuable resource for biomarker discovery. In this study, we describe a protocol for cannulation of mouse and rat lymphatic collectors that is suitable for the following: the "omic" sampling of pre- and postnodal lymph, collected from different anatomical districts; the phenotyping of immune cells circulating between parenchymal organs and draining lymph nodes; injection of known amounts of molecules for quantitative immunological studies of nodal trafficking and/or clearance; and monitoring an organ's biochemical omic changes in pathological conditions.

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Background And Aims: Serotonin (5HT) is a neuroendocrine hormone synthetized in the central nervous system (CNS) as well as enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal tract. Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH1) and monoamine oxidase (MAO-A) are the key enzymes for the synthesis and catabolism of 5HT, respectively. Previous studies demonstrated that 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor (5HTR)1A/1B receptor agonists inhibit biliary hyperplasia in bile-duct ligated (BDL) rats, whereas 5HTR2B receptor antagonists attenuate liver fibrosis (LF) in mice.

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This study aimed to establish mechanistic links between the prolonged intake of desloratadine, a common H1 receptor blocker (i.e., antihistamine), and development of obesity and metabolic syndrome.

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Transport of tissue-derived lymphatic fluid and clearance by draining lymph nodes are pivotal for maintenance of fluid homeostasis in the body and for immune-surveillance of the self- and non-self-proteomes. Yet a quantitative analysis of nodal filtration of the tissue-derived proteome present in lymphatic fluid has not been reported. Here we quantified the efficiency of nodal clearance of the composite proteomic load using label-free and isotope-labeling proteomic analysis of pre-nodal and post-nodal samples collected by direct cannulation.

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Background: The initial periods of increased flow inside lymphatic vessels demonstrate specific temporary patterns of self-tuning of lymphatic vessel contractility that are heterogeneous across regional lymphatic networks. The current literature primarily refers to the immediate and fast reactions of the lymphangions to increases in basal flow. Until now, there were no available data on how the lymphatic vessels react to comparatively longer periods of imposed flow.

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Many tissues exhibit subatmospheric interstitial pressures under normal physiologic conditions. The mechanisms by which the lymphatic system extracts fluid from these tissues against the overall pressure gradient are unknown. We address this important physiologic issue by combining experimental measurements of contractile function and pressure generation with a previously validated mathematical model.

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This review provides a comprehensive summary of research on aging-associated alterations in lymphatic vessels and mast cells in perilymphatic tissues. Aging alters structure (by increasing the size of zones with low muscle cell investiture), ultrastructure (through loss of the glycocalyx), and proteome composition with a concomitant increase in permeability of aged lymphatic vessels. The contractile function of aged lymphatic vessels is depleted with the abolished role of nitric oxide and an increased role of lymphatic-born histamine in flow-dependent regulation of lymphatic phasic contractions and tone.

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Obesity is becoming a leading cause of health problems world-wide. Obesity and overweight are associated with the structural and chemical changes in tissues; however, few methods exist that allow for concurrent measurement of these changes. Using Brillouin and Raman microspectroscopy, both the mechanical and chemical differences can be assessed simultaneously.

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Background: Knowledge of the mechanisms by which aging affects contracting lymphatic vessels remains incomplete; therefore, the functional role of histamine in the reaction of aged lymphatic vessels to increases in flow remains unknown.

Methods And Results: We measured and analyzed parameters of lymphatic contractility in isolated and pressurized rat mesenteric lymphatic vessels (MLVs) obtained from 9- and 24-month Fischer-344 rats under control conditions and after pharmacological blockade of nitric oxide (NO) by Nω-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (L-NAME, 100 μM) or/and blockade of histamine production by α-methyl-DL-histidine dihydrochloride (α-MHD, 10 μM). We also quantitatively compared results of immunohistochemical labeling of the histamine-producing enzyme, histidine decarboxylase (HDC) in adult and aged MLVs.

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This study aimed to establish mechanistic links between the aging-associated changes in the functional status of mast cells and the altered responses of mesenteric tissue and mesenteric lymphatic vessels (MLVs) to acute inflammation. We used an model of acute peritoneal inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide treatment of adult (9-month) and aged (24-month) F-344 rats. We analyzed contractility of isolated MLVs, mast cell activation, activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) without and with stabilization of mast cells by cromolyn or blockade of all types of histamine receptors and production of 27 major pro-inflammatory cytokines in adult and aged perilymphatic mesenteric tissues and blood.

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The role of lymphatic vessels is to transport fluid, soluble molecules, and immune cells to the draining lymph nodes. Here, we analyze how the aging process affects the functionality of the lymphatic collectors and the dynamics of lymph flow. Ultrastructural, biochemical, and proteomic analysis indicates a loss of matrix proteins, and smooth muscle cells in aged collectors resulting in a decrease in contraction frequency, systolic lymph flow velocity, and pumping activity, as measured in vivo in lymphatic collectors.

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Collecting lymphatic vessels (CLVs), surrounded by fat and endowed with contractile muscle and valves, transport lymph from tissues after it is absorbed into lymphatic capillaries. CLVs are not known to participate in immune responses. In this study, we observed that the inherent permeability of CLVs allowed broad distribution of lymph components within surrounding fat for uptake by adjacent macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) that actively interacted with CLVs.

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Background: Until now, there has been no tool available to provide lymphatic researchers the ability to perform experiments in tissue explants containing lymphatic vessels under tissue position- and lymphatic lumen-controlled conditions.

Methods And Results: In this article we provide technical details and description of the method of using the newly developed and implemented the position- and lymphatic lumen-controlled tissue chambers to study live lymphatic vessels and surrounding tissues ex vivo. In this study, we, for the first time, performed detailed comparative analysis of the contractile and pumping activity of rat mesenteric lymphatic vessels (MLVs) situated within tissue explants mounted in new tissue chambers and isolated, cannulated, and pressurized rat MLVs maintained in isolated vessel setups.

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Objectives: The knowledge of the basic principles of lymphatic function, still remains, to a large degree, rudimentary and will require significant research efforts. Recent studies of the physiology of the MLVs suggested the presence of an EDRF other than NO. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that lymphatic endothelium-derived histamine relaxes MLVs.

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Lymph flow is the primary mechanism for returning interstitial fluid to the blood circulation. Currently, the adaptive response of lymphatic vessels to mesenteric venous hypertension is not known. This study sought to determine the functional responses of postnodal mesenteric lymphatic vessels.

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Background: Aging impairs mesenteric lymph flow, which is crucial for fluid and macromolecule homeostasis, fat absorption, and immune function. Previously, we demonstrated that mast cells (MCs) line mesenteric lymphatic vessels (MLVs) with a greater degree of basal activation of MCs in aged mesentery. The number of intact MCs available to react acutely to inflammatory stimuli was decreased with age.

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Lymphatic muscle (LM) is widely considered to be a type of vascular smooth muscle, even though LM cells uniquely express contractile proteins from both smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. We tested the hypothesis that LM exhibits an unloaded maximum shortening velocity (Vmax) intermediate between that of smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. Single lymphatic vessels were dissected from the rat mesentery, mounted in a servo-controlled wire myograph, and subjected to isotonic quick release protocols during spontaneous or agonist-evoked contractions.

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  We have previously demonstrated a principal role for nitric oxide (NO) in the endothelium/shear-dependent regulation of contractility in rat thoracic duct (TD). In this study we tested the hypothesis that cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and the dependent protein kinase (PKG) are central to the intrinsic and extrinsic flow-dependent modulation of lymphatic contractility. Lymphatic diameters and indices of pumping in isolated, cannulated and pressurized segments of rat TD were measured.

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Background: Recent studies on aging-associated changes in mesenteric lymph flow in situ demonstrated predominance of the severe negative chronotropic effect of aging on the contractility of aged mesenteric lymphatic vessels (MLV). At the same time, contraction amplitude of the aged vessels was only slightly diminished by aging and can be rapidly stimulated within 5-15 minutes. However, the detailed quantitative evaluation of potential aging-associated changes in muscle cells investiture in MLV has never been performed.

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Abstract An overview is presented of recent findings related to biology of aging of the lymph transport system. The authors discuss recently obtained data on the aging-associated alterations of lymphatic contractility in thoracic duct and mesenteric lymphatic vessels; on comparisons of function of aged mesenteric lymphatic vessels in situ versus isolated specimens and important conclusions which arose from these studies; on aging-associated changes in functional status of mast cells located close to aged mesenteric lymphatic vessels; on evidence of presence of oxidative stress in aged lymphatic vessels and changes in arrangement of muscle cells in their walls. The authors conclude that future continuation of the research efforts in this area is necessary and will be able to provide not only novel fundamental knowledge on the biology of lymphatic aging, but also will create solid foundation for the subsequent developments of lymphatic-oriented therapeutic interventions in many diseases of the elderly.

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Collecting lymphatic vessels share functional and biochemical characteristics with cardiac muscle; thus, we hypothesized that the lymphatic vessel pump would exhibit behavior analogous to homeometric regulation of the cardiac pump in its adaptation to elevated afterload, i.e., an increase in contractility.

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We tested the responses of single, isolated lymphangions to selective changes in preload and the effects of changing preload on the response to an imposed afterload. The methods used were similar to those described in our companion paper. Step-wise increases in input pressure (P(in); preload) over a pressure range between 0.

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