Black leg and soft rot are devastating diseases causing up to 50% loss of potential potato yield. The search for, and characterization of, bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) suitable for the control of these diseases is currently a sought-after task for agricultural microbiology. Isolated lytic bacteriophages Q19, PP47 and PP81 possess a similar broad host range but differ in their genomic properties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSoft rot caused by numerous species of and is a serious threat to the world production of potatoes. The application of bacteriophages to combat bacterial infections in medicine, agriculture, and the food industry requires the selection of comprehensively studied lytic phages and the knowledge of their infection mechanism for more rational composition of therapeutic cocktails. We present the study of two bacteriophages, infective for the strain F152.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFis a recently emerged virulent bacterial potato pathogen that poses a major threat to world agriculture. Because of increasing antibiotic resistance and growing limitations in antibiotic use, alternative antibacterials such as bacteriophages are being developed. bacteriophages recently re-ranked as a separate family, such as phage PP35 described in this work, are the attractive candidates for this bacterial biocontrol.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present the draft genome sequence of strain PB72 infecting potatoes in Russia. PB72 is similar to the previously reported strain 21A. Considering potential biocontrol of this pathogen, an infectious bacteriophage was isolated and characterized.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInvestigation of collections of phytopathogenic bacteria has revealed some strains distinct from known spp. We report here the draft genome sequences of five such strains, isolated during the period of 1947 to 2012. Based on comparative genomics, we propose a new candidate genomospecies of the genus , " Pectobacterium maceratum.
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