Publications by authors named "Ana Perez-del-Olmo"

The platyhelminth class Trematoda comprises two subclasses with largely disparate species diversity, with the small Aspidogastrea with c.80 species and the speciose Digenea with c.18,000 species, which has attracted much effort towards our understanding of evolutionary relationships among suprageneric taxa.

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The Prestige oil-spill (2002) is one of the major marine accidents resulting in contamination of virtually all types of marine habitat along c.900 km of coastline in the North-East Atlantic. Environmental pollution affects parasite populations and communities, both directly and through effects on intermediate and definitive hosts.

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This study assesses microplastic ingestion in Boops boops at different geographical areas in the Mediterranean Sea. A total of 884 fish were caught at 20 coastal sites in Spain, France, Italy and Greece and analyzed using a common methodological protocol. Microplastics were found in 46.

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Article Synopsis
  • Lasiotocus is the largest genus in the Monorchiidae family, containing 52 recognized species. Morphological variation among these species suggests many might belong to different genera, but molecular data is lacking for accurate classification.*
  • The study presents the first DNA sequences for Lasiotocus mulli, the type-species, and finds that six sequenced species form four distinct clades, indicating the need for separate genera based on genetic differences.*
  • The authors propose six new genera to organize the species better, with 43 out of 52 Lasiotocus species reassigned, while emphasizing that more genetic data is needed for further classification improvements.*
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Background: Microcotyle erythrini van Beneden & Hesse, 1863 (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) and other closely related species of the genus are often considered as cryptic. Records in hosts other than the type-host with no species confirmation by molecular analyses have contributed to this situation.

Methods: Gill parasites of five sparid fishes, Boops boops (L.

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The platyhelminth class Trematoda comprises two subclasses with largely disparate species diversity, the small Aspidogastrea with c.80 species and the speciose Digenea with c.18,000 species, which has attracted much effort towards our understanding of evolutionary relationships among suprageneric taxa.

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We explored the relationships between features of host species and their environment, and the diversity, composition and structure of parasite faunas and communities using a large taxonomically consistent dataset of host-parasite associations and host-prey associations, and original environmental and host trait data (diet, trophic level, population density and habitat depth vagility) for the most abundant demersal fish species off the Catalonian coast of the Western Mediterranean. Altogether 98 species/taxa belonging to seven major parasite groups were recovered in 683 fish belonging to 10 species from seven families and four orders. Our analyses revealed that (i) the parasite fauna of the region is rich and dominated by digeneans; (ii) the host parasite faunas and communities exhibited wide variations in richness, abundance and similarity due to a strong phylogenetic component; (iii) the levels of host sharing were low and involved host generalists and larval parasites; (iv) the multivariate similarity pattern of prey samples showed significant associations with hosts and host trophic guilds; (v) prey compositional similarity was not associated with the similarity of trophically transmitted parasite assemblages; and (vi) phylogeny and fish autecological traits were the best predictors of parasite community metrics in the host-parasite system studied.

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Historically, the European Atlantic is probably the most important oil-spill hotspot worldwide. One of the most recent accidents occurred in 2002 when the oil-tanker Prestige sank over the Galician Bank causing two major oil-spills followed by several small leaks until March 2003. This resulted in contamination of virtually all types of marine habitat.

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The presence of marine litter is a complex, yet persistent, threat to the health and biodiversity of the marine environment, and plastic is the most abundant, and ubiquitous type of marine litter. To monitor the level of plastic waste in an area, and the prospect of it entering the food chain, bioindicator species are used extensively throughout Northern European Seas, however due to their distribution ranges many are not applicable to the Mediterranean Sea. Guidance published for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive suggests that the contents of fish stomachs may be analyzed to determine trends of marine plastic ingestion.

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The species diversity of Lepidapedon Stafford, 1904 (Lepidapediae) in the Western Mediterranean was assessed based on samples from five deep-sea gadiform fishes collected between the Balearic Islands and the Catalonian coast of Spain: Lepidion lepidion (Risso) and Mora moro (Risso) (both Moridae); Coelorinchus mediterraneus Iwamoto & Ungaro and Trachyrincus scabrus (Rafinesque) (both Macrouridae); and Phycis blennoides (Brünnich) (Phycidae). Integration of morphological and molecular evidence (28S rRNA gene and the mitochondrial nad1 gene) revealed that the deep-sea fishes in the Western Mediterranean share two species of Lepidapedon. Lepidapedon desclersae Bray & Gibson, 1995 was recovered in all five fish species of three families [Moridae (L.

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Marine protected areas are considered a useful tool to preserve and recover the biodiversity of ecosystems. It is suggested that fisheries not only affect populations of target and bycatch species but also their parasite communities. Parasites can indicate fishery effects on host species and also on the whole local community, but the effects of fisheries and protection measures on parasite communities are relatively unknown.

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Molecular and morphological data were gathered for specimens of species of Macvicaria Gibson & Bray, 1982 and Pseudopycnadena Saad-Fares & Maillard, 1986 (Digenea: Opecoelidae) collected from two sparid fishes, Diplodus vulgaris (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire) and Sparus aurata L., off the Algerian coast of the Western Mediterranean. Phylogenetic analyses based on ITS1-5.

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A new microcotylid, Tinrovia mamaevi n. sp. (Monogenea: Polyopisthocotylea), is described from the gills of Notacanthus bonaparte Risso (Notacanthiformes: Notacanthidae), sampled in the Western Mediterranean and North East Atlantic.

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Overlapping distributions of hosts and parasites are critical for successful completion of multi-host parasite life cycles and even small environmental changes can impact on the parasite's presence in a host or habitat. The generalist Cardiocephaloides longicollis was used as a model for multi-host trematode life cycles in marine habitats. This parasite was studied to quantify parasite dispersion and transmission dynamics, effects of biological changes and anthropogenic impacts on life cycle completion.

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Our knowledge of trematode diversity in Mediterranean Sea fishes is based on many contributions since the early 1800s (e.g. by Rudolphi, Stossich, Looss, Bartoli, Bray and Gibson).

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New morphological, molecular and ecological data for Ditrachybothridium macrocephalum Rees, 1959 (Cestoda: Diphyllidea) are presented and discussed based on specimens recovered from the blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus Rafinesque (Scyliorhinidae) in the Western Mediterranean. A redescription of the plerocercus of this parasite is provided and new data on immature and mature worms including the first description of the eggs are reported, based on light and scanning electron microscopy observations. Analysis of 28S rDNA (domains D1-D3) sequences from plerocerci, immature and adult specimens revealed that they are conspecific with specimens from the North East Atlantic.

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Background: Recent molecular studies have revealed high species diversity of Diplostomum in central and northern Europe. However, our knowledge of the distribution of Diplostomum spp. in the southern distributional range in Europe of the snail intermediate hosts (Lymnaea stagnalis and Radix spp.

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Bathycreadium brayi n. sp. is described based on specimens collected from the deep-sea greater forkbeard Phycis blennoides (Brünnich) (Gadiformes: Phycidae) in the Western Mediterranean.

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A new capillariid nematode, Capillostrongyloides morae sp. n., is described from specimens collected from the stomach and intestine of the common mora, Mora moro (Risso), and the Mediterranean codling, Lepidion lepidion (Risso) (both Gadiformes, Moridae), off the Mediterranean coasts of Spain.

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In a study of the parasites of the deep-sea fish Mora moro (Risso) (Gadiformes: Moridae) off the Mediterranean coasts of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands (Spain), we were able to distinguish two morphs of specimens belonging to Lepidapedon Stafford, 1904 (Digenea: Lepidapedidae). This material is herein described and illustrated. Comparative sequence analyses using partial mitochondrial nad1 sequences revealed that the material assigned to one of these morphs can be considered conspecific with the material identified as Lepidapedon desclersae Bray & Gibson, 1995 from the same host.

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We believe this study is the first attempt to address molecular prospecting for species diversity of Diplostomum (Digenea: Diplostomidae) in Europe. A database linking sequences from the barcode region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) mitochondrial gene and from the internal transcribed spacer cluster (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) of the rRNA gene was generated for larval and adult parasites of snails, fish and gulls from central Europe.

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This study addressed the impacts of fishing on the rates of parasitism using the sparid Boops boops as a model fish species. Using a large suite of parasite species in B. boops, with different life histories, transmission pathways and host specificity, we compared parasite diversity, prevalence, abundance and community structure at two Mediterranean localities in the Balearic Sea, Santa Pola Bay and the Gulf of Oran, that are characterised by a contrasting pattern of fishing of B.

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Five species of digeneans parasitic in the pilchard Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum), a little studied host, from off the Algerian coast of the western Mediterranean are redescribed. These are Parahemiurus merus (Linton, 1910) Manter, 1940, Aphanurus stossichii (Monticelli, 1891) Looss, 1907, Aphanurus virgula Looss, 1907, Lecithaster confusus Odhner, 1905 and Pronoprymna ventricosa (Rudolphi, 1819) Poche, 1926. One of these, A.

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