Human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) is a member of the HHV family and is a rare cause of infectious uveitis. We report a case of a splenectomised patient, hospitalised due to invasive pneumococcal disease, who was diagnosed with retinitis in the right eye, with good visual acuity (0.1 LogMAR).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Syphilis is a re-emerging infectious disease with various systemic manifestations, including ocular involvement, which can lead to significant morbidity if untreated. This study aims to analyze the ocular manifestations of syphilis in patients treated at a Portuguese tertiary center over a 14-year period.
Patients And Methods: A retrospective review of patients diagnosed with syphilis who presented with ocular symptoms from 2010 to 2023 was conducted.
Background: The literature review notes that people in need of care from Rehabilitation Programs do not always see their continuity ensured.
Objective: This study aim to analyze the perspective of Specialists Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing in relation to the organization and specialized intervention of transitional care for older people in need of rehabilitation programs.
Methods: This is a qualitative study within the interpretivist paradigm.
PEX5, the peroxisomal protein shuttling receptor, binds newly synthesized proteins in the cytosol and transports them to the organelle. During its stay at the peroxisomal protein translocon, PEX5 is monoubiquitinated at its cysteine 11 residue, a mandatory modification for its subsequent ATP-dependent extraction back into the cytosol. The reason why a cysteine and not a lysine residue is the ubiquitin acceptor is unknown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Purpose: Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the second most common cause of presenile dementia. The clinical distinction between FTD, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and other dementias is a clinical challenge. Brain perfusion SPECT may contribute to the diagnosis of FTD, but its value is unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpringtails (Collembola) inhabit soils from the Arctic to the Antarctic and comprise an estimated ~32% of all terrestrial arthropods on Earth. Here, we present a global, spatially-explicit database on springtail communities that includes 249,912 occurrences from 44,999 samples and 2,990 sites. These data are mainly raw sample-level records at the species level collected predominantly from private archives of the authors that were quality-controlled and taxonomically-standardised.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite intensive research on peroxisome biochemistry, the role of glutathione in peroxisomal redox homeostasis has remained a matter of speculation for many years, and only recently has this issue started to be experimentally addressed. Here, we summarize and compare data from several organisms on the peroxisome-glutathione topic. It is clear from this comparison that the repertoire of glutathione-utilizing enzymes in peroxisomes of different organisms varies widely.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite the large amounts of HO generated in mammalian peroxisomes, cysteine residues of intraperoxisomal proteins are maintained in a reduced state. The biochemistry behind this phenomenon remains unexplored, and simple questions such as "is the peroxisomal membrane permeable to glutathione?" or "is there a thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase in the organelle matrix?" still have no answer. We used a cell-free in vitro system to equip rat liver peroxisomes with a glutathione redox sensor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnderstanding the physiological and molecular adjustments occurring during tree stress response is of great importance for forest management and breeding programs. Somatic embryogenesis has been used as a model system to analyze various processes occurring during embryo development, including stress response mechanisms. In addition, "priming" plants with heat stress during somatic embryogenesis seems to favor the acquisition of plant resilience to extreme temperature conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLong-read sequencing methods allow a comprehensive analysis of transcriptomes in identifying full-length transcripts. This revolutionary method represents a considerable breakthrough for non-model species since it allows enhanced gene annotation and gene expression studies when compared to former sequencing methods. However, woody plant tissues are challenging to the successful preparation of cDNA libraries, thus, impairing further cutting-edge sequencing analyses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCell-free in vitro systems are invaluable tools to study the molecular mechanisms of protein translocation across biological membranes. We have been using such a strategy to dissect the mechanism of the mammalian peroxisomal matrix protein import machinery. Here, we provide a detailed protocol to import proteins containing a peroxisomal targeting signal type 2 (PTS2) into the organelle.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCatenary-pantograph contact force is generally used for assessment of the current collection quality. A good current collection quality not only increases catenary lifetime but also keeps a stable electric supply and helps to avoid accidents. Low contact forces lead to electric arcs that degrade the catenary, and high contact forces generate excessive wear on the sliding surfaces.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSARS-CoV-2 infection has been a major threat to human health and a huge challenge to Medicine. In only two years, COVID-19 affected >350 million people, causing >5.6 million deaths.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe emergence of (Xf) in the Balearic Islands in October 2016 was a major phytosanitary challenge with international implications. Immediately after its detection, eradication and containment measures included in Decision 2015/789 were implemented. Surveys intensified during 2017, which soon revealed that the pathogen was widely distributed on the islands and eradication measures were no longer feasible.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe AAA ATPases PEX1•PEX6 extract PEX5, the peroxisomal protein shuttling receptor, from the peroxisomal membrane so that a new protein transport cycle can start. Extraction requires ubiquitination of PEX5 at residue 11 and involves a threading mechanism, but how exactly this occurs is unclear. We used a cell-free in vitro system and a variety of engineered PEX5 and ubiquitin molecules to challenge the extraction machinery.
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