Neurons on the left and right sides of the nervous system often show asymmetric properties, but how such differences arise is poorly understood. Genetic screening in zebrafish revealed that loss of function of the transmembrane protein Cachd1 resulted in right-sided habenula neurons adopting left-sided identity. Cachd1 is expressed in neuronal progenitors, functions downstream of asymmetric environmental signals, and influences timing of the normally asymmetric patterns of neurogenesis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Basketball jump shot success is determined mainly by the height, velocity and angle of ball release. To achieve a successful shot, these variables need to be adjusted according to the player's position on the court. This study aimed to identify the changes in kinematics variables of the basketball jump shot with an increasing shooting distance performed by players with varying skill levels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRNA modifications play a fundamental role in cellular function. Pseudouridylation, the most abundant RNA modification, is catalyzed by the H/ACA small ribonucleoprotein (snoRNP) complex that shares four core proteins, dyskerin (DKC1), NOP10, NHP2, and GAR1. Mutations in , , or cause dyskeratosis congenita (DC), a disorder characterized by telomere attrition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe vertebrate CNS is surrounded by the meninges, a protective barrier comprised of the outer dura mater and the inner leptomeninges, which includes the arachnoid and pial layers. While the dura mater contains lymphatic vessels, no conventional lymphatics have been found within the brain or leptomeninges. However, non-lumenized cells called Brain/Mural Lymphatic Endothelial Cells or Fluorescent Granule Perithelial cells (muLECs/BLECs/FGPs) that share a developmental program and gene expression with peripheral lymphatic vessels have been described in the meninges of zebrafish.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLeft-right asymmetries in the zebrafish habenular nuclei are dependent upon the formation of the parapineal, a unilateral group of neurons that arise from the medially positioned pineal complex. In this study, we show that both the left and right habenula are competent to adopt left-type molecular character and efferent connectivity upon the presence of only a few parapineal cells. This ability to impart left-sided character is lost in parapineal cells lacking Sox1a function, despite the normal specification of the parapineal itself.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To understand the phenomenon experienced by nursing students in their academic practices in view of death and dying.
Methodology: This was a qualitative study, based on Martin Heidegger' existential phenomenology, undertaken at a public University in Alagoas, Brazil, between August and October 2013. Seven senior students of nursing were interviewed.
It is generally believed that splicing removes introns as single units from precursor messenger RNA transcripts. However, some long Drosophila melanogaster introns contain a cryptic site, known as a recursive splice site (RS-site), that enables a multi-step process of intron removal termed recursive splicing. The extent to which recursive splicing occurs in other species and its mechanistic basis have not been examined.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Although left-right asymmetries are common features of nervous systems, their developmental bases are largely unknown. In the zebrafish epithalamus, dorsal habenular neurons adopt medial (dHbm) and lateral (dHbl) subnuclear character at very different frequencies on the left and right sides. The left-sided parapineal promotes the elaboration of dHbl character in the left habenula, albeit by an unknown mechanism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEinstein (Sao Paulo)
April 2014
Studies evaluating the Quality of Life of individuals with spinal cord injury using different research tools demonstrate that the Quality of Life scores are considered low both in national and international studies. The objective of this review was to characterize the international scientific production about the most used scales to assess Quality of Life in patients with spinal cord injury. We examined articles on Quality of Life of patients with spinal cord injury published over the last 5 years and indexed in the National Library of Medicine (PUBMED).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInclusive education is based on assisting all students alike, providing an education aimed at everyone equally in order to identify the particular educational needs of each student. The objectives of the present study were to identify the occurrence of disabilities, explore the learning resources that allow for inclusion; identify the architectural, communication, educational and attitudinal barriers that may affect students' performance; and discuss the students' suggestions of how to promote inclusion. This exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed using a quantitative approach.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPatient safety is a challenge for the quality in health care system. This study aimed to analyze the appropriateness of the allocation of nursing staff according to the hours of care required by patients and to identify the relationship between this allocation and adverse events/incidents (EA/I). This research was observational, descriptive and prospective, developed in Clinics ICU located in the 4th floor and 6th floor at a university hospital, in São Paulo, Brazil, from 01/11/07 to 10/12/07, with 46 patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZebrafish has proven to be a highly versatile model for comprehensive studies of gene function in development. Given that the molecular pathways involved in epithelial carcinogenesis appear to be conserved across vertebrates, zebrafish is now considered as a valid model to study tumor biology. Development and homeostasis in multicellular organisms are dependent on a complex interplay between cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, and cell death.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Wnt pathway orchestrates cell fate decisions during embryonic development, organogenesis, and adult tissues homeostasis. T-cell factor (Tcf )/lymphoid enhancer-binding factor (Lef) transcription factors are the downstream effectors of canonical Wnt signaling. Upon Wnt signal activation, beta-catenin stabilizes and translocates to the nucleus, where it interacts with Tcfs activating the transcription of Wnt target genes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have shown that Wnt signals, relayed through beta-catenin and T-cell factor 4 (Tcf4), are essential for the induction and maintenance of crypts in mice. We have now generated a tcf4 (tcf7l2) mutant zebrafish by reverse genetics. We first observe a phenotypic defect at 4 weeks post-fertilization (wpf), leading to death at about 6 wpf.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Esc Enferm USP
August 1987
To determine the adequary of nursing assistance to population demand, the authors developed a brief survey of the actual physical area, nursing personnel, equipament and supply of the Orthopedic and Traumatology Emergency Service where the study is been done.
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