Publications by authors named "Ana Benitez-Gonzalez"

Article Synopsis
  • The study examined how different cooking methods (boiling, baking, steaming, microwaving) affect the color, texture, and nutrient availability of carrots, focusing on carotenoids, which are important for health.
  • Results showed that cooking significantly increases the bioaccessibility of carotenoids, with microwave and baking yielding the highest increases in nutrient availability.
  • The research emphasizes the importance of sustainable cooking practices that enhance nutrient availability while being energy-efficient, helping to address issues like vitamin A deficiency.
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This study aimed at optimizing the accumulation of phytoene in Chlorella sorokiniana by using norflurazon and investigating the capacity of green and traditional solvents to extract carotenoids by ultrasound-assisted extraction with and without previous milling. Phytoene-rich first described C. sorokiniana biomass was used, both fresh, freeze-dried, and encapsulated.

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Shrimp side streams represent an important natural source of astaxanthin. Optimization of the astaxanthin extraction process from shrimp side streams is of great importance for the valorization of crustacean side streams and the development of astaxanthin-related products. The combined and independent effects of two innovative extraction technologies (pulsed electric fields (PEFs) and accelerated solvent extraction (ASE)) alone and/or combined in a sequential step, using two different solvents on astaxanthin extraction from two shrimp species, were evaluated.

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The impact of pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) and DMSO concentration (0, 30, 50, 100 %) on the yield of antioxidants and minerals from Chlorella were investigated. The results showed that PLE increased the antioxidant yield. Water extracted more proteins, while with 100 % DMSO more polyphenols, chlorophylls, and carotenoids were obtained.

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Mandarine juice is one of the richest sources of β-cryptoxanthin and flavonoids, which have been positively associated with bone mineral density. Carotenoids are lipophilic isoprenoid compounds with a complex absorption process that can be affected by different factors. In this study, we have evaluated the effect of the food matrix on the bioaccessibility of carotenoids and phenolic compounds in a model milk-mandarine beverage (MMB).

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Phytoene (PT) and phytofluene (PTF), colorless carotenoids, have largely been ignored in food science studies, food technology, and nutrition. However, they are present in commonly consumed foods and may have health-promotion effects and possible uses as cosmetics. The goal of this study is to assess the most important food sources of PT and PTF and their dietary intakes in a representative sample of the adult Spanish population.

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An analytical method was validated for the quantitative determination of isoprenoids compounds in faecal samples, based on liquid-liquid extraction from a small aliquot (0.3-0.5 g of sample) and subsequent analysis by Rapid Resolution Liquid Chromatography (RRLC) on a C30 column.

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The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between the effect of regulated deficit irrigation, cluster, developmental stages and two seasons (autumn 2015 and spring 2016) on the commercial and functional quality (carotenoids and plenolics levels) in 'Lazarino' and 'Summerbrix' tomatoes. Autumn had a positive effect on the commercial quality, with larger fruits (22% in 'Summerbrix'; 26% in 'Lazarino') and higher soluble solids (16% in 'Summerbrix'; 12% in 'Lazarino'). Total carotenoids did not change significantly with irrigation and variety while total phenolics did with the cluster and season.

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Background: Guayusa (Ilex guayusa Loes) is an evergreen tree native of South America that grows particularly in the upper Amazon region of Ecuador. For its health benefits, it has been cultivated and consumed since ancient times by Amazon indigenous tribes.

Results: A total of 14 phenolic compounds were identified and quantified.

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Carotenoids and their derivatives are versatile isoprenoids involved in many varied actions, hence their importance in the agri-food industry, nutrition, health and other fields. All carotenoids are derived from the colorless carotenes phytoene and phytofluene, which are oddities among carotenoids due to their distinct chemical structure. They occur together with lycopene in tomato and other lycopene-containing foods.

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A rapid resolution liquid chromatography (RRLC) method was developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of nine carotenoids compounds (violaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene, phytoene, phytofluene), four tocopherols and four chlorophylls and derivates (chlorophylls and pheophytins). The methodology consisted in a micro-extraction procedure with or without saponification and subsequent analysis by RRLC. The limits of detection were <0.

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