Publications by authors named "Amy B Levine"

Bazedoxifene (BZA) is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that has been shown to prevent and treat postmenopausal osteoporosis. Hip structure analysis (HSA) can be used to extract bone structural properties related to strength from hip bone mineral density (BMD) scans. This exploratory analysis used HSA to evaluate changes in hip structural geometry in postmenopausal women enrolled in a phase 3 osteoporosis treatment study who were treated with BZA 20mg or placebo for 2 years.

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Objective: In a 3-year randomized, double-blind, osteoporosis treatment study (N = 7,492), bazedoxifene 20 mg and bazedoxifene 40 mg significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the risk of new vertebral fractures by 42% and 37%, respectively, compared with placebo in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. This study evaluated the long-term (7-y) efficacy and safety of bazedoxifene in generally healthy postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.

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Objective: To evaluate the clinical safety of bazedoxifene (BZA) on the reproductive tract in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis over 7 years.

Study Design: This was a second, blinded, 2-year extension of a 3-year, randomized, double-blind, placebo (PBO)- and active-controlled phase 3 trial. In the core study, subjects were randomized to receive BZA 20 or 40mg, raloxifene 60mg, or PBO.

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Background: We report the safety findings from a 3-year phase 3 study (NCT00205777) of bazedoxifene, a novel selective estrogen receptor modulator under development for the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.

Methods: Healthy postmenopausal osteoporotic women (N = 7,492; mean age, 66.4 years) were randomized to daily doses of bazedoxifene 20 or 40 mg, raloxifene 60 mg, or placebo for 3 years.

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Antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy in HIV-infected women has dramatically reduced the rate of mother to child HIV transmission in the United States. National guidelines strongly recommend universal HIV testing of all pregnant women with repeat screening in the third-trimester in high-risk populations. To determine patient attitudes towards third-trimester rescreening, a convenience sample was recruited during routine prenatal visits at an urban clinic and participants were surveyed to determine attitudes about HIV third-trimester retesting, acceptability of the rapid HIV testing, condom use, and knowledge of partner's HIV status during pregnancy.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the endometrial, ovarian, and breast safety of bazedoxifene, a novel selective estrogen-receptor modulator, in postmenopausal women at risk for osteoporosis.

Methods: Healthy postmenopausal women (N = 1,583; mean age, 57.6 y) with lumbar spine or femoral neck bone mineral density T scores between -1 and -2.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the endometrial, ovarian, and breast safety of bazedoxifene used as a treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis.

Methods: Healthy women (aged 55-85 y) with osteoporosis were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Participants were randomized to treatment with bazedoxifene 20 or 40 mg, raloxifene 60 mg, or placebo daily for 3 years.

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Objective: To determine the utility of screening for depression in pregnant women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

Study Design: Women with HIV infection who received prenatal care at an inner-city institution between March 2004 and March 2006 were offered the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), a screening tool to detect depressive symptomatology. Scores >9 were considered positive.

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Unlabelled: Osteoporosis is an increasingly common health concern in postmenopausal women. In a 2-yr phase III study, bazedoxifene prevented bone loss, reduced bone turnover, and was well tolerated in early postmenopausal women with normal or low BMD.

Introduction: Bazedoxifene is a novel selective estrogen receptor modulator that has increased BMD and bone strength in experimental models, without stimulating breast or uterus.

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Background: Long-term survival of patients with congenital human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has resulted in a growing cohort of perinatally infected adolescents and young adults who are sexually active and becoming pregnant.

Cases: Two cases are presented to report our management of pregnancies resulting from unprotected sexual practices in perinatally HIV-infected adolescents who were HIV serodiscordant. An integrated approach, involving the specialties of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and infectious disease, along with social services, was used to provide comprehensive care to these patients.

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Although perinatal HIV prophylaxis is probably the most successful HIV prevention intervention to date, between 280 and 370 HIV-positive infants are born in the United States each year. A major reason for continuing vertical transmission is that some HIV-infected women are not aware of their positive HIV serostatus before delivery. A rapid HIV testing program was developed and implemented in a labor and delivery suite at an inner-city teaching hospital in a nonresearch setting.

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Owing to advances in the understanding and treatment of HIV infection, most persons infected with HIV are now living longer, healthier lives. With the dramatic reduction in mother-to-child transmission in the past decade, the outlook on life has changed for women with HIV infection. It is critical that a new strategic plan for prevention of HIV transmission and a proactive approach to reproductive health care be implemented by health care providers who care for these women.

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Background: Sciatic nerve compression has been well documented as a cause of perioperative sciatic neuropathy but rarely during cesarean.

Case: A parturient complained of left foot drop after cesarean delivery for twins performed under spinal anesthesia. Intraoperatively, her right hip was raised with padding under the right buttock to tilt the pelvis approximately 30 degrees to the left.

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