Publications by authors named "Amenda Ann Davis"

Background: Cesarean scar ectopic pregnancies are increasing in frequency, due to rise in cesarean deliveries. They should be managed early in pregnancy, preferably by surgical excision, failing which they may rupture, or later develop into morbidly adherent placenta.

Methods: This is a series of five cases described to explain the instrumentations and techniques in the laparoscopic excision of cesarean scar ectopic pregnancies.

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Uterine sarcomas are a rare malignancy, often retrospectively diagnosed after myomectomy or hysterectomy. Undifferentiated uterine sarcomas (UUS) are a particularly aggressive variant of this condition. Little evidence exists regarding the postoperative management of undifferentiated sarcomas diagnosed after hysterectomy performed for presumed benign conditions.

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Duplex ureter, an embryological developmental anomaly, can lead to intra-operative injuries, even by surgeons with a stronghold on normal ureteric anatomy. We describe the first case of an ectopic ureter transected during vaginal hysterectomy performed for pelvic organ proplase, due to its abnormally low implantation into the bladder, worsened by cystocoele. The injury was recognised, and the duplex ureter was diagnosed with cystoscopy and retrograde pyelography.

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Expectant management of tubal ectopic pregnancies is a feasible and possibly preferable method of management in asymptomatic women with low serum β-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This involves serial monitoring of β-hCG until negative, after which it is deemed as spontaneously resolved ectopic pregnancy. We describe a case of tubal ectopic pregnancy which was expectantly managed with an initial β-hCG of 585 mIU/mL until undetectable.

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Unindicated hysterectomy is a disturbing problem in India. Women are counselled into the procedure by the fear of cancer, and by reinforcing their notion that unrelated somatic problems are solved by the removal of the uterus. This is a case of a woman from the state of Bihar, India, who was referred to us after an unindicated hysterectomy at the age of 24, performed as a first-line treatment for lower abdominal pain.

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Objective: Does the administration of intravenous intralipid in women with previous implantation failure at the time of embryo transfer improve pregnancy outcomes in terms of biochemical pregnancy rate, clinical pregnancy rate, ongoing pregnancy rate, and ongoing pregnancy rate?

Study Design: This was a single blinded randomised controlled trial of 105 subjects with previous failed IVF undergoing self donor oocyte IVF/ICSI from January 2017 to May 2018. Randomisation was by computer generated sequence after oocyte pickup. Results were analysed for 102 women, excluding three women due to poor embryo quality.

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Chronic non-puerperal uterine inversion is a rare event, with only a handful of cases reported in literature. We report a case of a 64-year-old postmenopausal woman who presented with complaints of mass per vaginam and postmenopausal bleeding. On examination, she appeared to have third-degree cervical descent with an irregular growth seen over what appeared to be the cervix, biopsy of which showed keratinising squamous cell carcinoma.

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Uterine perforation during hysteroscopic operative procedures is a potential complication well known to gynaecologists. Uterine septa are a commonly encountered Müllerian anomaly related to pregnancy loss and infertility. Hysteroscopic resection of septa has shown to improve pregnancy outcome.

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