Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Amen H Zaky"
- Amen H Zaky's research primarily focuses on understanding the genetic and molecular factors influencing cancer outcomes, particularly in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and various types of lymphomas, highlighting the prognostic importance of specific gene expressions like FOS-like antigen 1 and COX-2.
- Recent findings indicate that overexpression of FOSL1 is linked to decreased survival rates in HCC patients, and that the interaction between COX-2 and p53 plays a crucial role in the progression of disseminated malignancies.
- Zaky's studies also address the implications of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in transplant outcomes, environmental contaminant exposure in Egyptian cancer patients, and treatment-related complications in hematologic malignancies, showcasing a broad examination of cancer-related prognosis and therapeutic strategies.