Background: Consuming foods low in energy density (kcal/g) decreases energy intake over several days, but the effectiveness of this strategy for weight loss has not been tested.
Objective: The effects on weight loss of 2 strategies for reducing the energy density of the diet were compared over 1 y.
Design: Obese women (n = 97) were randomly assigned to groups counseled either to reduce their fat intake (RF group) or to reduce their fat intake and increase their intake of water-rich foods, particularly fruit and vegetables (RF+FV group).
Objective: The energy density (kilocalories per gram) of foods influences short-term energy intake. This 1-year clinical trial tested the effect on weight loss of a diet incorporating one or two servings per day of foods equal in energy but differing in energy density.
Research Methods And Procedures: Dietitians instructed 200 overweight and obese women and men to follow an exchange-based energy-restricted diet.