: Cardiovascular diseases remain a leading cause of mortality and morbidity, and dyslipidaemia is one of the major risk factors. The widespread use of herbs and medicinal plants in traditional medicine has garnered increasing recognition as a valuable resource for increasing wellness and reducing the onset of disease. Several epidemiologic and clinical studies have shown that altering blood lipid profiles and maintaining gut homeostasis may protect against cardiovascular diseases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground/objectives: Dartmoor Estate Tea plantation in Devon, UK, is renowned for its unique microclimate and varied soil conditions, which contribute to the distinctive flavours and chemical profiles of tea. The chemical diversity of fresh leaf samples from various garden locations was explored within the plantation.
Methods: Fresh leaf, which differed by location, cultivar, time of day, and variety, was analysed using Flow Infusion Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (FIE-MS).
Epidemiological studies have shown associations between whole-grain intake and lowered disease risk. A sufficient level of whole-grain intake to reach the health benefits has not been established, and there is limited knowledge about the impact of whole-grain intake on metabolite levels. In this clinical intervention study, we aimed to identify plasma and urine metabolites associated with two different intake levels of whole-grain wheat and rye and to correlate them with clinical plasma biomarkers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Diet is one of the most important modifiable lifestyle factors in human health and in chronic disease prevention. Thus, accurate dietary assessment is essential for reliably evaluating adherence to healthy habits.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify urinary metabolites that could serve as robust biomarkers of diet quality, as assessed through the Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI-2010).
Preconception lifestyle interventions appear promising to reduce pregnancy complications, prevent adult cardiometabolic diseases, and prevent childhood obesity. These interventions have almost exclusively been studied in populations of obese infertile women. The development of preconception lifestyle interventions targeting a broader population of overweight and obese women without a history infertility and their partners is needed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImprovement of diet at the population level is a cornerstone of national and international strategies for reducing chronic disease burden. A critical challenge in generating robust data on habitual dietary intake is accurate exposure assessment. Self-reporting instruments (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPoor dietary choices are major risk factors for obesity and non-communicable diseases, which places an increasing burden on healthcare systems worldwide. To monitor the effectiveness of healthy eating guidelines and strategies, there is a need for objective measures of dietary intake in community settings. Metabolites derived from specific foods present in urine samples can provide objective biomarkers of food intake (BFIs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFScope: Metabolites derived from individual foods found in human biofluids after consumption could provide objective measures of dietary intake. For comprehensive dietary assessment, quantification methods would need to manage the structurally diverse mixture of target metabolites present at wide concentration ranges.
Methods And Results: A strategy for selection of candidate dietary exposure biomarkers is developed.
Scope: Metabolites derived from specific foods present in urine samples can provide objective biomarkers of food intake (BFIs). This study investigated the possibility that calystegines (a class of iminosugars) may provide BIFs for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) product exposure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The aim of the current study was to evaluate the accuracy of the new software eAT24 used to assess dietary intake in the National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (IAN-AF) against urinary biomarkers: N (nitrogen), K (potassium) and Na (sodium).
Design: We conducted a cross-sectional study. Two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls (24-HDR) were applied, and a 24-h urine sample was collected.
Objective: Obtaining objective, dietary exposure information from individuals is challenging because of the complexity of food consumption patterns and the limitations of self-reporting tools (e.g., FFQ and diet diaries).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Measurement of multiple food intake exposure biomarkers in urine may offer an objective method for monitoring diet. The potential of spot and cumulative urine samples that have reduced burden on participants as replacements for 24-h urine collections has not been evaluated.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the utility of spot and cumulative urine samples for classifying the metabolic profiles of people according to dietary intake when compared with 24-h urine collections in a controlled dietary intervention study.
Scope: Dietary choices modulate the risk of chronic diseases and improving diet is a central component of public health strategies. Food-derived metabolites present in urine could provide objective biomarkers of dietary exposure. To assist biomarker validation, this work aims to develop a food intervention strategy mimicking a typical annual diet over a short period of time and assesses urine sampling protocols potentially suitable for future deployment of biomarker technology in free-living populations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Objective: Epidermal preservation is essential during laser treatment for vascular, hair, and benign pigment dyschromias. Epidermal tolerance is determined by epidermal melanin content, fluence, pulse width, wavelength, skin cooling, and spot size. The authors' objective was to determine the maximum epidermal tolerance for the long-pulse alexandrite 755 nm and the long-pulse neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) 1064-nm lasers for varying epidermal melanin content.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA high intake of fruit and vegetables (FV) has been associated with reduced risk of a number of chronic diseases, including CVD. The aim of this review is to describe the potential use of biomarkers to assess FV intake. Traditional methods of assessing FV intake have limitations, and this is likely to impact on observed associations with disease outcomes and markers of disease risk.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction And Objectives: The purpose of this study was to use high accurate mass metabolomic profiling to investigate differences within a phenotypically diverse canine population, with breed-related morphological, physiological and behavioural differences. Previously, using a broad metabolite fingerprinting approach, lipids appear to dominate inter- and intra- breed discrimination. The purpose here was to use Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) to identify in more detail, inter-breed signatures in plasma lipidomic profiles of home-based, client-owned dogs maintained on different diets and fed according to their owners' feeding regimens.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: Skin cancer is the most common malignancy occurring after organ transplantation. Although previous research has reported an increased risk of skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipients (OTRs), no study has estimated the posttransplant population-based incidence in the United States.
Objective: To determine the incidence and evaluate the risk factors for posttransplant skin cancer, including squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), melanoma (MM), and Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) in a cohort of US OTRs receiving a primary organ transplant in 2003 or 2008.
Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is a popular ingredient in sunless tanner and lotions. We sought to measure the absorption spectrum of hu- man skin after application of DHA. A male in his 30's applied DHA to one underarm once daily for seven days.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Dog breeds are a consequence of artificial selection for specific attributes. These closed genetic populations have metabolic and physiological characteristics that may be revealed by metabolomic analysis.
Objectives: To identify and characterise the drivers of metabolic differences in the fasted plasma metabolome and then determine metabolites differentiating breeds.
Scope: The intake of sucrose is of public health concern but limited information is available on the metabolic effects of short-term exposure. Our aim was to use metabolomics to investigate the metabolic impact of acute sucrose exposure.
Methods And Results: We performed a randomized, parallel, single-dose feeding study on healthy females (n = 90, aged 29.
Background: Cutaneous siderosis is accumulation of iron in the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue secondary to extravasation of an intramuscular or intravascular iron injection. It presents as varying shades of brown macules with no distinct contours. The hyperpigmentation is permanent without treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLasers Surg Med
August 2015
Background And Objectives: Acral persistent papular mucinosis (APPM) is a rare condition with persistent flesh colored papules on the hands and extensor wrists. The authors aim to present a novel treatment option for this condition.
Patients And Methods: A female with APPM was treated using a 2940 nm Erbium-YAG laser with a 1 mm spotsize defocused to 2-3 mm with settings of 200-300 mJ until the lesion was flush with the surrounding skin.
Background: Genital involvement has significant psychosexual implications for psoriasis patients.
Objective: This study was designed to ascertain factors associated with the development of genital psoriasis and its impact on quality of life and sexual functioning.
Methods: This was an observational, multicenter study of 354 consecutive psoriasis patients.
Background: Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common malignancy in transplant patients. However, routine skin cancer evaluation is currently not the standard of care.
Objective: To investigate the current barriers among transplant physicians to skin cancer screening in their patients.