Publications by authors named "Amanda Furgeson"

In the troposphere, nitryl chloride (ClNO₂), produced from uptake of dinitrogen pentoxide (N₂O₅) on chloride containing aerosol, can be an important nocturnal reservoir of NO(x) (= NO + NO₂) and a source of atomic Cl, particularly in polluted coastal environments. Here, we present measurements of ClNO₂ mixing ratios by chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) in Calgary, Alberta, Canada over a 3-day period. The observed ClNO₂ mixing ratios exhibited a strong diurnal profile, with nocturnal maxima in the range of 80 to 250 parts-per-trillion by volume (pptv) and minima below the detection limit of 5 pptv in the early afternoon.

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A novel measurement technique, thermal dissociation cavity ring-down spectroscopy (TD-CRDS), for rapid (1 s time resolution) and sensitive (precision approximately 100 parts per trillion by volume (10(-12); pptv)) quantification of total peroxy nitrate (SigmaPN) and total alkyl nitrate (SigmaAN) abundances in laboratory-generated gas mixtures is described. The organic nitrates are dissociated in a heated inlet to produce NO(2), whose concentration is monitored by pulsed-laser CRDS at 532 nm. Mixing ratios are determined by difference relative to a cold inlet reference channel.

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