Publications by authors named "Amador Priede"

Introduction: The aim of this study was to use cluster analysis based on the trajectory of five cognitive-emotional processes (worry, rumination, metacognition, cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression) over time to explore differences in clinical and performance variables in primary care patients with emotional symptoms.

Methods: We compared the effect of adding transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioural therapy (TD-CBT) to treatment as usual (TAU) according to cluster membership and sought to determine the variables that predicted cluster membership. 732 participants completed scales about cognitive-emotional processes, anxiety and depressive symptoms, functioning, and quality of life (QoL) at baseline, posttreatment, and at 12 months.

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Despite the high economic costs associated with emotional disorders, relatively few studies have examined the variation in costs according to whether the patient has achieved a reliable recovery. The aim of this study was to explore differences in health care costs and productivity losses between primary care patients from a previous randomized controlled trial (RCT)-PsicAP-with emotional symptoms who achieved a reliable recovery and those who did not after transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral therapy (TD-CBT) plus treatment as usual (TAU) or TAU alone. Sociodemographic and cost data were obtained for 134 participants treated at five primary care centers in Madrid for the 12-month posttreatment period.

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Background: Despite the relevance of cognitive processes such as rumination, worry, negative metacognitive beliefs in emotional disorders, the existing literature about how these cognitive processes moderate the effect of treatment in treatment outcomes is limited. The aim of the present study was to explore the potential moderator effect of baseline cognitive processes-worry, rumination and negative metacognitive beliefs-on the relationship between treatment allocation (transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioural therapy -TD-CBT plus treatment as usual-TAU vs. TAU alone) and treatment outcomes (anxiety and depressive symptoms, quality of life [QoL], and functioning) in primary care patients with emotional disorders.

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Several randomised controlled trials (RCT) have demonstrated the superiority of transdiagnostic group cognitive-behavioural therapy (TD-CBT) to treatment as usual (TAU) for emotional disorders in primary care. To date, however, no RCTs have been conducted to compare TD-CBT to another active intervention in this setting. Our aim is to conduct a single-blind RCT to compare group TD-CBT plus TAU to progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) plus TAU in adults (age 18 to 65 years) with a suspected emotional disorder.

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The aim of this study was to examine the potential moderating effect of baseline emotion regulation skills-cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression-on the relationship between treatment allocation and treatment outcomes in primary care patients with emotional symptoms. A total of 631 participants completed scales to evaluate emotion regulation, anxiety, depression, functioning, and quality of life (QOL). The moderation analysis was carried out using the SPSS PROCESS macro, version 3.

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Background: Patients with cancer are at increased risk of developing symptoms of depression and anxiety. However, data on the variables associated with these symptoms in the long term are scant. This study aims to evaluate rumination and thought suppression as explanatory variables of depressive and anxiety symptoms at one- and five-year follow-up in patients diagnosed with cancer.

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Unlabelled: Empirically Supported Psychological Treatments for Children and Adolescents: State of the Art.

Background: The empirical evidence accumulated on the efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of psychotherapeutic treatments in children and adolescents calls for an update. The main goal of this paper objective was to carry out a selective review of empirically supported psychological treatments for a variety of common psychological disorders and problems in childhood and adolescence.

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Objective: In order to reduce distress associated with working with COVID-19 patients, several psychological intervention programmes for healthcare workers have been developed in Spain. We aimed to describe the main characteristics and components of these programmes for healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients in Spanish hospitals.

Material And Methods: An online survey was designed to evaluate the main characteristics of psychological intervention programmes for healthcare workers during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic.

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Unlabelled: Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments for Adults: A Selective Review.

Background: Psychological treatments have shown their efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency in dealing with mental disorders. However, considering the scientific knowledge generated in recent years, in the Spanish context, there are no updating studies about empirically supported psychological treatments.

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Objective: In order to reduce distress associated with working with COVID-19 patients, several psychological intervention programmes for healthcare workers have been developed in Spain. We aimed to describe the main characteristics and components of these programmes for healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients in Spanish hospitals.

Material And Methods: An online survey was designed to evaluate the main characteristics of psychological intervention programmes for healthcare workers during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic.

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Objective: This study aims to analyse the association between rumination and thought suppression and the intensity of psychological distress in a sample of patients with recently diagnosed cancer.

Methods: A total of 131 patients with a recent diagnosis of cancer were assessed within 4 months of diagnosis. All participants completed standardized questionnaires to assess psychological distress, rumination, and thought suppression.

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Objective: To analyse the factor structure and psychometric properties of the original and abbreviated versions of the Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS) in recently-diagnosed cancer patients.

Method: A sample of 128 newly-diagnosed cancer patients were assessed with the Spanish versions of the MOS-SSS and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to analyse six different factor structures.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the correspondence between clinical ratings of inattention problems in the early course of a psychotic disorder and concurrent neuropsychological data for sustained attention and speed of processing/executive functioning (SP/EF) derived from a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery.

Method: A sample of 131 patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) was clinically rated after clinical stabilization with the attention subscale of the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) and a completed neuropsychological test battery, which included measurements of sustained attention and SP/EF. To test the associations of the clinical ratings and objective data, correlations and regression analyses were conducted.

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