Publications by authors named "Alyssa Turnbull"

To control swimmer's itch in northern Michigan inland lakes, USA, one species of bird, the common merganser (Mergus merganser), has been relocated from several lakes since 2015. Relocation efforts are driven by a desire to reduce the prevalence of the swimmer's itch-causing parasite Trichobilharzia stagnicolae. The intention of this state-sponsored control effort was to interrupt the life cycle of T.

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Myxobolus cerebralis is the causative agent of whirling disease in salmonid fishes. In 2016, this invasive parasite was detected in Alberta, Canada, for the first time, initiating a comprehensive 3 yr monitoring program to assess where the parasite had spread within the province. As part of this program, a qPCR-based test was developed to facilitate detection of the environmental stages of M.

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Freshwater gastropods of the genera Lymnaea Lamarck, 1799, Physa Draparnaud, 1801, Gyraulus Charpentier, 1837, Radix Montfort, 1810, and Stagnicola Jeffreys, 1830 are considered suitable intermediate hosts for avian schistosomes. A large trematode biodiversity survey performed across 3 yr on 6 lakes in Alberta confirmed 3 already-reported snail hosts for 7 North American avian schistosomes; however, the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) nucleotide sequence from 1 cercarial sample (from a single specimen of Planorbella trivolvis) was distinct from all other COI schistosome sequences. As part of a simultaneous, comparable study of P.

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Swimmer's itch is an allergic condition that occurs when the motile and infectious stage of avian schistosomes penetrate the skin of an individual. Flatworm parasites that cause swimmer's itch belong to the family Schistosomatidae. They utilize a variety of different species of bird and mammal as definitive hosts, and rely on different species of snail, in which they complete their larval development to culminate in a motile, aquatic, infectious stage called a cercaria.

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