Publications by authors named "Alvin Martin"

An essential prerequisite for successful solution blow spinning (SBS) is the presence of effective molecular entanglements of polymers in the solution. However, the fabrication of biopolymer fibers is not as straightforward as synthetic polymers. Particularly for biopolymers such as pectin, molecular entanglements are essential but insufficient for successful spinning through the SBS production method.

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ROC analysis involving two large datasets is an important method for analyzing statistics of interest for decision making of a classifier in many disciplines. And data dependency due to multiple use of the same subjects exists ubiquitously in order to generate more samples because of limited resources. Hence, a two-layer data structure is constructed and the nonparametric two-sample two-layer bootstrap is employed to estimate standard errors of statistics of interest derived from two sets of data, such as a weighted sum of two probabilities.

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The data dependency due to multiple use of the same subjects has impact on the standard error (SE) of the detection cost function (DCF) in speaker recognition evaluation. The DCF is defined as a weighted sum of the probabilities of type I and type II errors at a given threshold. A two-layer data structure is constructed: target scores are grouped into target sets based on the dependency, and likewise for non-target scores.

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The nonparametric two-sample bootstrap is applied to computing uncertainties of measures in ROC analysis on large datasets in areas such as biometrics, speaker recognition, etc., when the analytical method cannot be used. Its validation was studied by computing the SE of the area under ROC curve using the well-established analytical Mann-Whitney-statistic method and also using the bootstrap.

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Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma (SNUC) is an uncommon and highly aggressive neoplasm of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. Its undifferentiated histologic appearance often requires immunohistochemical studies to distinguish it from other high-grade neoplasms. Due to the rarity of SNUC, its immunohistochemical staining profile has been incompletely characterized, and little work has been done on its expression of the markers for human papillomavirus (HPV).

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We report a plasma cell neoplasm in conjunction with a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) of the conus medullaris in a 42-year-old man. Glioblastoma is a World Health Organization (WHO) grade IV neoplasm that requires surgical intervention, radiation, and possibly chemotherapy. Astrocytomas of the spinal cord are rare neoplasms, with intramedullary glioblastomas comprising only 1% to 3%.

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In receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, the sampling variability can result in uncertainties of performance measures. Thus, while evaluating and comparing the performances of algorithms, the measurement uncertainties must be taken into account. The key issue is how to calculate the uncertainties of performance measures in ROC analysis.

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Lymphomas involving the breast account for approximately 2% of extranodal and <1% of all non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Our aim in this study was to classify breast lymphomas using the World Health Organization classification and then compare this classification with clinical, histologic, and radiologic findings as well as survival. The study group included 106 patients with breast lymphoma (105 women and 1 man).

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Intranuclear biotin interacts with avidin-biotin-complex used for viral immunoperoxidase detection giving false-positive results.

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There are two subsets of CD8+ T cells: Tc1 and Tc2. INF-gamma production by Tc1 cells causes granulomatous inflammation. IL-4 production by Tc2 cells attracts eosinophils.

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Cryoprobe-assisted lumpectomy is a relatively new technique that converts nonpalpable carcinomas into well-defined, palpable ones by creating an ice ball under ultrasonographic guidance, thus eliminating the need for preoperative needle localization. We evaluated the effect of cryoprobe-induced freezing on tumor tissue, peritumoral tissue, and margin status in 6 cases of cryoprobe-assisted lumpectomy performed for infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Immunohistochemical stains for estrogen and progesterone receptors and the proliferation marker Ki-67 were performed on 4 cases and results compared with those of the pretreatment biopsy specimens.

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The pituitary tumor transforming gene (PTTG)/securin is an oncogene that is involved in cell cycle regulation and sister chromatid separation. PTTG is highly expressed in various tumors including ovarian tumors, suggesting that PTTG may play a role in ovarian tumorigenesis. Overexpression of PTTG resulted in induction of cellular transformation in vitro and tumor formation in nude mice.

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Human serum contains 2 isoforms of type-5 tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP): 5a and 5b. TRACP-5b is osteoclastic. Our goal was to determine if serum TRACP-5a could originate from inflammatory macrophages (MPhi).

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Biometric authentication performance is often depicted by a detection error trade-off (DET) curve. We show that this curve is dependent on the choice of samples available, the demographic composition and the number of users specific to a database. We propose a two-step bootstrap procedure to take into account the three mentioned sources of variability.

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Context: Recent investigations have demonstrated the utility of CD10 as a marker for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Cutaneous metastases occur in up to 11% of patients with RCC and may be the presenting sign of widespread disease. The differential diagnosis in histopathologic evaluation of these cases includes cutaneous adnexal neoplasms, and describing the expression of CD10 in these tumors may be helpful in delineating the differential diagnosis.

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Background: Hepatectomy and pancreatectomy are often associated with significant intraoperative blood loss leading to postoperative anemia, which has been demonstrated to lead to increased perioperative morbidity, a prolonged hospital stay, and decreased overall survival. Cancer has remained an absolute contraindication to autotransfusion because of the unproven concern about reinfusion of malignant cells. Thus, the aim of this study was to test for the presence of malignant cells in autotransfused filtered blood in patients undergoing major pancreatic and liver resection.

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Positive pregnancy test results occurred in a nongravid, premenopausal woman while she was receiving chemotherapy for multiple myeloma. We tested 2 hypotheses to account for this finding: (1) Heterophil antibodies caused positive interference in the immunoassays. (2) Genuine human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) originated from a nonsyncytiotrophoblastic source.

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Our objective was to correlate p16, p21cip1, p27kip1, and cyclin E protein expression with the degree of dysplasia on ThinPrep Papanicolaou (Pap) smears using a modified immunoperoxidase staining. Smears read as normal, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US), low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), or high-grade SIL (HSIL) were identified and tested for high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV). Additional smears were processed for immunoperoxidase for p16, p21cip1, p27kip1, and cyclin E.

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Follicular lymphoma (FL) is a low-grade lymphoma that typically lacks CD5 antigen expression. We report 3 cases of FL with unusual expression of CD5. All cases showed histologic features of FL, including effaced nodal architecture, follicular growth pattern, and a spectrum of grades from 1 to 3 using World Health Organization criteria.

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