Publications by authors named "Alvaro Cesar Nascimento"

This article analyzes some concepts relating to marketing, advertising, medications, regulation and manipulation. It discusses ethical and health surveillance parameters of drugs advertising for the general public. The focus of this work is the analysis of contradictions from a conceptual point of view between the practice of pharmaceutical advertising as a tool for the increase of sales and the conquest of markets versus the policy of rational use of medicines.

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The regulation of medication advertising in Brazil has four weak points. Inspection and punishment of irregularities is carried out a posteriori to the infraction being committed (when the population has already been exposed to a sanitary risk). The fines charged by the Brazilian Sanitary Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) have a derisory value compared to investments in advertising.

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This paper analyzes the asymmetry in the international relations as refers to the recognition of industrial property rights in the pharmaceutical industry. It focuses on the impact of such relations upon the access to ARV medication, an issue of worldwide interest due to its connection with the development of the nations. Clashing interests and the position taken by some countries in their patent laws point to a scenario less favorable for the access of peripheral countries to anti-HIV/AIDS medication.

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