Publications by authors named "Alston W"

Recent discoveries from time-domain surveys are defying our expectations for how matter accretes onto supermassive black holes (SMBHs). The increased rate of short-timescale, repetitive events around SMBHs, including the recently discovered quasi-periodic eruptions, are garnering further interest in stellar-mass companions around SMBHs and the progenitors to millihertz-frequency gravitational-wave events. Here we report the discovery of a highly significant millihertz quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in an actively accreting SMBH, 1ES 1927+654, which underwent a major optical, ultraviolet and X-ray outburst beginning in 2018.

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Infection prevention strategies and vaccination reduce risk of severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission to healthcare workers (HCWs). We describe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) incidence and vaccination rates in a cohort of HCWs at the University of Vermont Medical Center. Before vaccines, the HCW COVID-19 incidence paralleled that of the State of Vermont; after vaccination, incidence fell and remained low.

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Background: Patients who receive splenectomy are at risk for overwhelming postsplenectomy infection (OPSI). Guidelines recommend that adult asplenic patients receive a complement of vaccinations, education on the risks of OPSI, and on-demand antibiotics. However, prior literature suggests that a majority of patients who have had a splenectomy receive incomplete asplenic patient care and thus remain at increased risk.

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The authors present the case of a 57-year-old male with a large polymicrobial brain abscess complicated by eruption into the intraventricular space. He was treated with parenteral ampicillin, cefepime, and metronidazole and adjuvant intraventricular vancomycin/gentamicin as well as surgical debridement. The authors discuss the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of brain abscesses, with a focus on prior cases with pyogenic ventriculitis and those treated with intraventricular antimicrobials.

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Consultation amongst providers is a foundation of modern health care and one of the most frequent means of interdisciplinary communication. Accordingly, clear and efficient communication between providers and across medical specialties during consultation is essential to patient care and a collegial work environment. Traditionally, consultation requests are felt to require a clear question that falls within the purview of the consultant's expertise.

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Bacterial bloodstream infections (BSIs) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Traditionally, BSIs have been managed with intravenous antimicrobials. However, whether intravenous antimicrobials are necessary for the entirety of the treatment course in BSIs, especially for uncomplicated episodes, is a more controversial matter.

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The brightness of an active galactic nucleus is set by the gas falling onto it from the galaxy, and the gas infall rate is regulated by the brightness of the active galactic nucleus; this feedback loop is the process by which supermassive black holes in the centres of galaxies may moderate the growth of their hosts. Gas outflows (in the form of disk winds) release huge quantities of energy into the interstellar medium, potentially clearing the surrounding gas. The most extreme (in terms of speed and energy) of these-the ultrafast outflows-are the subset of X-ray-detected outflows with velocities higher than 10,000 kilometres per second, believed to originate in relativistic (that is, near the speed of light) disk winds a few hundred gravitational radii from the black hole.

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Background: Topical vancomycin may be an effective intervention to decrease the risk of postoperative surgical site infections (SSIs). The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of topical vancomycin with intravenous (IV) cefazolin compared with IV cefazolin alone on the incidence of SSI in instrumented multilevel spinal fusion (MLSF) surgery.

Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of patients 18 years and older who underwent instrumented MLSF surgery between January 1, 2010, and July 31, 2014.

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Background: Curbside consultations are common in clinical practice. The complexity, relative value, and revenue loss associated with curbside consultations are not well defined.

Methods: Curbside consultations performed during a 1-year period were studied.

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Context: Provision of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care in rural areas has encountered unique barriers.

Purpose: To compare medical outcomes of care provided at 3 HIV specialty clinics in rural Vermont with that provided at an urban HIV specialty clinic.

Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study.

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A simple method for quantifying nosocomial infection and colonization with multidrug-resistant organisms is described. This method is applied to the intensive care unit of an academic medical center where longitudinal surveillance data have been used to assess the impact of infection control interventions and antibiotic use.

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Cryptosporidiosis in young children prompts local inflammation in the intestinal tract. We studied a cohort of young children with cryptosporidiosis to determine whether systemic inflammatory responses occur and, if so, to evaluate whether inflammation persists after infection. Cryptosporidiosis was associated with increased levels of interleukin-8 and tumor necrosis factor- alpha systemically, which persisted at 6 months after enrollment.

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Background: Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is a component of the innate immune response and binds microbial surfaces through carbohydrate recognition domains. MBL deficiency may contribute to susceptibility to a variety of infectious diseases, particularly in young children. MBL binds to the Cryptosporidium sporozoite and may be important in resistance to cryptosporidiosis.

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Purpose Of Review: International travelers may be at risk from a variety of potentially severe and life-threatening infections. Some of these diseases are preventable, and vaccination remains a cornerstone of travel medicine. Vaccines that are important for international travel are reviewed, in a succinct update based on the most recent literature.

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A rapid colorimetric test for the detection of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is described. The ferric hydroxamate test for ester detection has been adapted to detect GHB in human urine samples from a healthy female and a healthy male subject. The assay can be performed within 5 min and with a GHB detection limit of 0.

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The incidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is increasing rapidly in rural areas of the United States. Barriers to health-care delivery for this patient population include the complexity of this rapidly changing field, inexperienced rural physicians, long travel distances to receive expert care, lack of psychosocial support systems, and concerns about confidentiality. Models of HIV care for rural areas have not been developed that remove these barriers.

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African trypanosomiasis is a rare but well-documented cause of fever in United States travelers returning from areas where it is endemic. We report two recently diagnosed cases that involved tourists who went on safari in Tanzania. Review of these and 29 other published cases indicates that disease in returning United States travelers is nearly always of the East African form, a fulminant illness for which prompt diagnosis is necessary.

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The ability of extracellular matrix heparan sulfate to alter the susceptibility of human endothelial cells to S. aureus was investigated. Endothelial cells grown on extracellular matrix synthesized by S.

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Secondary kH/kT kinetic isotope effects in H2O and kH/kT or kD/kT isotope effects in D2O have been measured for the triosephosphate isomerase-catalyzed conversion of dihydroxyacetone 3-phosphate (DHAP) to D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. The proton transfer steps are made rate-limiting using [1(R)-2H]-labeled substrate in D2O to slow the chemical steps, relative to product release. After a small correction for the beta-equilibrium isotope effect for dehydration of DHAP, the H/T kinetic isotope effect kH/kT = 1.

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