Background: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) can restore communication for movement- and/or speech-impaired individuals by enabling neural control of computer typing applications. Single command click detectors provide a basic yet highly functional capability.
Methods: We sought to test the performance and long-term stability of click decoding using a chronically implanted high density electrocorticographic (ECoG) BCI with coverage of the sensorimotor cortex in a human clinical trial participant (ClinicalTrials.
Introduction: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) can affect various eye movements, making eye tracking a potential means for disease monitoring. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of ALS patients self-recording their eye movements using the "EyePhone," a smartphone eye-tracking application.
Methods: We prospectively enrolled ten participants and provided them with an iPhone equipped with the EyePhone app and a PowerPoint presentation with step-by-step recording instructions.
Background: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) can restore communication in movement- and/or speech-impaired individuals by enabling neural control of computer typing applications. Single command "click" decoders provide a basic yet highly functional capability.
Methods: We sought to test the performance and long-term stability of click-decoding using a chronically implanted high density electrocorticographic (ECoG) BCI with coverage of the sensorimotor cortex in a human clinical trial participant (ClinicalTrials.
Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener
May 2018
Objective: Evaluate the safety and tolerability of resistance and endurance exercise in ALS participants as measured by their ability to complete this six-month study.
Methods: Participants were randomized to Resistance, Endurance, or Stretching/Range of Motion (SROM the exercise regimen prescribed for most ALS patients) exercises. All exercises were performed at home with an individualized regimen designed by a physical therapist trained in ALS management.