•Mixed GTN.•GTN in a post-menopausal woman.•Treatment of GTN with immunotherapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Health Care Poor Underserved
May 2021
Objective: Study occurrence and consequences of deductibles and medical debt among privately insured under the Affordable Care Act.
Methods: Analysis of 2012-2016 National Health Interview Survey data on privately insured adults younger than age 65 on the effect of deductibles on medical debt, deferred medical care, and office visits, by demographic characteristics, and treatable chronic diseases.
Results: Rates of medical debt and deferred care decreased.
Objective: To contrast the effect of private insurance and deductibles (by size) on medical service use, health status, and medical debt for adult respondents with diabetes with low and high incomes.
Research Design And Methods: Using the 2011-2013 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, bivariate and regression analyses were conducted to compare demographic characteristics, medical service use, diabetes care, and health status among privately insured adult respondents with diabetes, aged 18-64 years (N = 1,461) by lower (<200% of the federal poverty level) and higher (≥200% of the federal poverty level) income and deductible vs. no deductible (ND), low deductible ($1,000/$2,400) (LD), and high deductible (>$1,000/$2,400) (HD).
Introduction: Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is a condition that has recently been recognized in patients with chronic renal disease and is associated with use of gadolinium-based contrast agents of ubiquitous use in magnetic resonance imaging scans. The condition is believed to arise through inadequate renal clearance of the gadolinium-based contrast agents, resulting in bodily deposition of the gadolinium; this is most widely recognized in the skin, but also occurs in other tissues.
Case Presentation: We report the case of a 52-year-old Caucasian man with hypothyroidism and chronic renal disease who developed nephrogenic systemic fibrosis upon repeated exposure to gadolinium, and who presented with a subsequent malabsorption of levothyroxine.