Publications by authors named "Alistair G McKenzie"

In the second half of the nineteenth century and up to the First World War, anaesthetic practice in Scotland differed markedly from that in England. Chloroform was invariably used in Scotland with apparent disregard for reports of deaths under its influence. By contrast, in England concern about chloroform deaths, which were subject to inquests there, led to ether often being chosen instead.

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The year 2024 marks 70 years since graduation of the first candidates in revised examinations for Fellowship of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons (FFARCS). Here we review the progress of specialisation and professionalisation of anaesthesia in the UK.

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John Gillies was the founding head of the Department of Anaesthetics at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, which began in 1940. An astute educator, he was instrumental in establishing anesthesia as a medical specialty, on equal footing with surgery, from the start of the National Health Service in 1948. Gillies' kudos attracted medical graduates from the UK, USA and Canada to work in his Department.

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Between 1938 and 1951 erythroidine derivatives were seriously considered as alternatives to curare for the provision of muscle relaxation. This has been overlooked in the published history of anaesthesia. The first publication on the paralysing effect of an extract of Erythrina americana was in 1877, but this was in a Mexican journal, which was not widely read.

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The term "Iron Curtain" described the barrier between communist East Europe and the capitalist West from 1945. Next the term "cold war" was introduced for the confrontation between these two sides without open warfare, because of the deterrent of atomic weapons. Restriction in collaboration between those on either side extended to the medical profession, including anesthesia, resuscitation and intensive care.

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