Background: MYC is important in gastric carcinogenesis. A few studies reported MYC translocation or insertion associated with gastric cancer.
Materials And Methods: MYC copy number and its insertion, as well as the chromosomes in which MYC was inserted, were evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization assay in interphase and metaphase cells of 12 diffuse-type gastric cancer samples.
World J Gastroenterol
October 2006
Aim: To investigate chromosome 8 numerical aberrations, C-MYC oncogene alterations and its expression in gastric cancer and to correlate these findings with histopathological characteristics of gastric tumors.
Methods: Specimens were collected surgically from seven patients with gastric adenocarcinomas. Immunostaining for C-MYC and dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for C-MYC gene and chromosome 8 centromere were performed.